The personalized signatures of our circle of friends are all on the right by default. Below the avatar, the modified personalized signature is centered, which is very special. Let me show you the effect first:
First open the personal information page of WeChat, click "More", then find "Personal Signature" and click "Modify".
The method is simple, just copy the transparent code "",paste it three times after personalized signature, then enter a point, and finally click "Finish".
When friends check our circle of friends, they will see the personalized signature in the center. This method is suitable for the latest versions of Android WeChat and iOS WeChat.
In addition to using transparent code, there is a simpler and more rude method, that is, manually tapping the space, personalizing the signature content, always entering the space, and entering a dot for the last character.
This method is only applicable to Android WeChat. If you upgrade to version 8.0.9, you can see your personal signature directly in the circle of friends, and you don't need to open the home page and then enter the circle of personal friends to view it.
Write it at the back: