Method one, set the transparent color. For a picture with a single background, select the picture and the picture toolbar will appear. In Color, click Set Transparent Color. When the mouse becomes like a meat cleaver, click on the solid background of the picture and the background will be removed.
Method 2: Delete the background directly. Suitable for more complicated pictures. Select a picture, and then click the Delete Background command in the picture toolbar. In the picture, the reserved part is highlighted, and the part to be deleted is covered with purple.
Adjust the reserved content of the picture by marking the area to be reserved and marking the area to be deleted. After the setting is completed, click Keep Changes, and the picture is set successfully.
The electronic signature is introduced as follows:
Electronic signature is an electronic signature of electronic documents through cryptographic technology, which is similar to handwritten signature or seal, and can also be said to be an electronic seal, instead of digital visualization of written signature.