To sign is to write to someone, that is, the name of the fan, and sometimes there is a postscript.
generally speaking, the signature with the word to is something that has been specialized, which has special significance and is highly hyped, especially those Korean stars. In a sense, it is equivalent to a star telling a fan that this is a name specially signed for her, and its meaning will definitely be different and its value will double. This is that everyone's focus is different, and what they like will be different.
to sign is written when signing, and the format of to sign is: to so-and-so. In a sense, it is equivalent to a star telling a fan that this is a name specially signed for her, and its meaning will definitely be different. Fan language, generally speaking, the signature with the word to is something that has been specialized and has special significance.
to sign with one's own name represents a kind of hope of fans and the encouragement of idols to fans. Simply put, it is an idol signature, just saying that this signature is more targeted, only for a certain fan. For example, if fans like Jackson Yee, they will ask Jackson Yee if they can sign it, and then write down their names and what they want him to say to them.
usage of to
to can be a preposition or a structural auxiliary word. When used as a preposition, it is followed by a noun or gerund, such as: give the book to Tom. I am looking forward to seeing you. As for when to be used, the usage of prepositions is fixed. Instead of remembering many meanings that are easily confused, it is better to recite fixed phrases directly.
when you use a structural auxiliary, you do an infinitive, that is, the to do form, which must be followed by the verb prototype. It can also be understood as a fixed collocation, such as want to do and be going to do. So it's best to remember fixed phrases. After the modal verb, add V. directly without adding to. Add to do sth. to the action verb (e.g. need).