Real estate asset appraisal reports or real estate valuation reports generally have a format:
Standard format of valuation reports
A.0.1 Cover page:
< p>(Title:) Real Estate Valuation ReportValuation project name: (Indicate the full name of this valuation project)
Entrusting party: (Indicate the full name of the entrusting unit of this valuation project, individual The entrusted person is the name of the individual)
Appraiser: (Indicate the full name of the appraisal agency for this appraisal project)
Appraiser: (Indicate the name of the appraiser who participated in this appraisal project)
Valuation operation date: (Indicate the start and end date of this valuation, that is, the year, month and day when the valuation entrustment is officially accepted to the year, month and day when the valuation report is completed)
Valuation report number : (Indicate the number of this valuation report in this valuation agency)
A.0.2 Table of Contents:
(Title:) Table of Contents
1. To the Client Letter
II. Appraiser’s Statement
III. Valuation Assumptions and Restrictions
IV. Valuation Result Report
5. Valuation technical report (may not be provided to the client, but may be archived by the valuation agency and reviewed by relevant management departments, etc.)
6. Appendix?Br> (1)
( 2)
A.0.3 Letter to the entrusting party:
(Title:) Letter to the entrusting party
To whom the letter is addressed (It is the full name of the entrusting party)
The text of the letter (explaining the valuation object, purpose of valuation, valuation time point, valuation results)
Send the letter (it is the full name of the valuation agency, and Stamped with the official seal of the valuation agency, signature and seal of the legal representative)
Date of sending the letter (the year, month and day of sending the letter)
A.0.4 Statement of the appraiser:
(Title:) Appraiser's Statement
We solemnly declare that:
1 The facts stated by us in this Valuation Report are true and accurate.
2 The analyses, opinions and conclusions in this valuation report are our own unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions, but are subject to the assumptions and limitations stated in this valuation report.
3 We have no (or stated) interest relationship with the valuation object in this valuation report, and we have no (or stated) personal interest or bias with the relevant parties.
4 We conducted analysis in accordance with the National Standard "Real Estate Valuation Standards" of the People's Republic of China, formed opinions and conclusions, and wrote this valuation report.
5 We have (or have not) conducted on-site inspections of the valuation objects in this valuation report (this statement should clearly indicate which appraisers have conducted on-site inspections of the valuation objects and which appraisers have not) Conduct on-site inspection of the valuation object).
6 No one has provided significant professional assistance for this valuation report (if there are exceptions, the name of the person who provided significant professional assistance should be stated).
7 (Other matters that need to be declared)
Signature and seal of the registered real estate appraisers participating in this valuation (at least one)
A.0.5 Assumptions and limitations of valuation:
(Title:) Assumptions and limitations of valuation
(Explain the assumptions of this valuation, information that has not been confirmed by investigation or cannot be confirmed by investigation) Data, factors not considered in the valuation and some special processing and their possible effects, restrictions on the use of this valuation report)
A.0.6 Valuation results report:
(Title: ) Real Estate Valuation Result Report
(1) Client (Indicate the full name, legal representative and domicile of the entrusting unit of this valuation project. For individuals entrusted, the name and domicile of the individual)
(2) Appraiser (specify the full name, legal representative, address, and valuation qualification level of the valuation agency for this valuation project)
(3) Valuation object (outline the status of the valuation object, including material entities) status and equity status.
Among them, the description of the land should include: name, location, area, shape, surrounding environment, landscape, infrastructure completeness, land flatness, topography, geological and hydrological conditions, planning restrictions, current utilization status, and ownership status. ; The description of the building should include: name, location, area, number of floors, building structure, decoration, facilities and equipment, floor plan, project quality, year and month of completion, maintenance, upkeep, usage, complete supporting facilities of the building extent, utilization status, ownership status)
(4) Valuation purpose (explain the purpose and application direction of this valuation)
(5) Valuation time point (explain the assessed Objective and reasonable price or the year, month and day corresponding to the value)
(6) Value definition (explain the value standard or value connotation adopted in this valuation)
(7) Valuation basis (explanation) This valuation is based on this real estate valuation specification, national and local laws and regulations, relevant information provided by the client, and relevant information mastered and collected by valuation agencies and valuation personnel)
(8) Valuation principles ( Explain the real estate valuation principles followed in this valuation)
(9) Valuation methods (explain the ideas and methods used in this valuation and the definitions of these valuation methods)
(10) Valuation results (describe the final result of this valuation, the total price and unit price should be stated respectively, and the amount in capital letters should be attached. If expressed in foreign currency, the central parity rate of the RMB market exchange rate announced by the People's Bank of China at the time of valuation should be stated, and the converted price should be noted. RMB price)
(11) Appraisers (list the names, appraisal qualifications or professional titles of all persons participating in this appraisal, and sign and stamp them)
(12) Valuation operation date (specify the start and end dates of this valuation)
(13) Validity period for the application of the valuation report (specify the validity period for the application of this valuation report, which can be expressed as until a certain year Ending on month and day, it can also be expressed as a number of years, such as one year)
A.0.7 Valuation Technical Report:
(Title:) Real Estate Valuation Technical Report
(1) Individual factor analysis (detailed description and analysis of individual factors of the valuation object)
(2) Regional factor analysis (detailed description and analysis of the regional factors of the valuation object)
( 3) Market background analysis (detailed description and analysis of market conditions for similar real estate, including the past, present and foreseeable future)
(4) Highest and best use analysis (detailed analysis and explanation of the highest and best use of the valuation object) (Best use)
(5) Selection of valuation methods (details of the valuation ideas and methods adopted and their reasons)
(6) Valuation calculation process (details of the calculation process, parameters Determination, etc.)
(7) Valuation result determination (details of the valuation result and the reasons for its determination)
A.0.8 Attachment:
(Title:) Attachments
The location map of the valuation object, the four directions and the surrounding environment map, the land shape map, the building plan, the exterior and interior photos, project-related approval documents, property rights certificates, other special documents cited in the valuation, valuation Qualification certificates of personnel and valuation agencies, etc.