After being found to have a fake signature photo in the process of drying his own signature photo of the women's football team in Gong Hanlin, someone asked, how to distinguish the authenticity of the signature photo? It is important to know the source of the signature photo first. If you can see the signature with your own eyes, it must be a real signature photo, but most people don't have a chance to witness this scene with their own eyes, so you need to know the source of the signature photo from the back, and you can start with the number of signature photos, so that you can clearly judge which ones are real and which ones are fake. If you know something about technology, you can start with technology. Star signature, you can start with the pen signed by the star. After studying the writing situation of pens, he can focus on observing the style and habits of star signatures, so as to avoid forging signature photos to some extent.
I believe that after the houses of many stars collapsed, the number of fans of many stars has been greatly reduced. After all, a star who is pure and clean in his own eyes is simply ruined after being exposed to the scandal. The decrease in the number of fans does not directly represent anything. Fans who love their stars don't care about such things. They only say that a star's personality is not directly related to his talent. What we like is talent. As for people's character, it has nothing to do with us. This view seems to be well-founded, but if you carefully taste it, you will find that this distorted theory is actually speaking for your star with the last bottom line.
There are still many heavyweight stars in the circle. They have no gossip but strength and acting skills, and women's football is a kind of star. They don't care whether they are famous or not, but they attach great importance to their careers, which leads to more and more people wanting to get an autograph.