Net name: ____LeAf丶Four-Leaf Clover
Personal signature:
1. I?found?a?four-leaved?clover,?however,? belong?to?the?happiest?fourth?dropping?in?the?summer?of?that?year. (I found the four-leaf clover, but the fourth piece of happiness fell in the summer of that year. . )
2. When?I?took?all?my?happiness,?when?you?walk?in?a?strange?town,?even?though?I?did?not?find ?the?clover?in?my?life,?but?I?believe?that?at?that?time?I?was?happy. (When I take all my happiness, walking in strange towns Even if I didn't find the four-leaf clover in my life,
I believe I was happy at that time)