In the chat column, first press Caps Lock and enter /C0 / which is on the same key as the question mark. C is a letter and must be capitalized. 0 is not a letter and o is a number. 0 can sometimes be omitted. Then enter a numeric key at will. You will find that /C0 in the chat bar is gone and the number keys you pressed are no longer there. This means you have succeeded. Then cancel capitalization, switch back to the commonly used input method, type the word you want, and you will find it. Oh, it’s changed into color, haha. Different numbers have different colors. / You can also get interesting patterns by adding some numbers. Try it more.
You can also write like this in your own personalized signature.
C+ number, you mean the colorful characters, as follows: When you speak, type /C01 (note C should be capitalized) When you press play When /C01 is 1, you will find that /C01 in the input box has disappeared. Now you type again. When it is published, it will be the color you set. There are 20 colors to choose from /C01 Yellow /C02 Light green/C03 black/C04 orange/C05 purple/C06 sky blue/C07 fragrant ice cream color/C08 brown/C09 gray