Compiled by the Secretariat of the General Office of the State Council
November 2000
1 Scope
This scope specifies the official documents of national administrative agencies General paper requirements, printing requirements, arrangement and marking rules of various elements in official documents.
This standard applies to official documents issued by administrative agencies at all levels of the country. Official documents from other agencies may be implemented with reference. The format of official documents printed in minority languages ??may refer to this standard and be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by being quoted in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below.
GB/T 148-1997 Format dimensions of printing, writing and drawing paper
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 word word
It is the length unit that identifies the horizontal distance in the official document. A word refers to the space occupied by a Chinese character.
3.2 Line line
Identifies the length unit of the vertical distance in the official document. This standard uses the distance between the height of No. 3 fonts plus 7/8 times the height of No. 3 fonts as a datum line; the official document standard uses the distance between the height of No. 2 fonts plus 7/8 times the height of No. 2 fonts as a datum line.
4 Main technical indicators of official document paper
Official document paper generally uses offset printing paper or carbon paper with a paper basis of 60g/m2-80g/m. The whiteness of the paper is 85%-90%, the transverse folding resistance is ≥15 times, the opacity is ≥85%, and the PH value is 7.5-9.5.
5 Format and layout size of official document paper
5.1 Format size of official document paper
Official document paper adopts A4 type specified in GB/T 148 Paper, its finished product format size is: 210mm×297mm, the allowable deviation of size is shown in GB/T 148.
5.2 Official document page margin and center size
Official document paper header (upper white edge) is: 37mm±1mm
Official document paper binding The mouth (left white margin) is: 28 mm±1mm
The center size is: 156 mm×225mm (excluding page numbers)
6 Color of pictures and text in official documents
Unless otherwise specified, the color of images and text in official documents is black.
7 Typesetting specifications and printing and packaging requirements
7.1 Typesetting specifications
Use size 3 imitation Song font for the main text. If there are subtitles in the text, use size 3 subscript Song font or Boldface characters generally have 22 lines per side and 28 characters per line.
7.2 Plate-making requirements
The layout should be clean without gray background, the writing should be clear without breaks, the size should be standard, the center of the plate should not be skewed, and the error should not exceed 1mm.
7.3 Printing requirements
Double-sided printing; page numbers should be aligned, and the error on both sides should not exceed 2mm. The black ink should reach BL100% of the chromatographic mark, and the red ink should reach Y80% and M80% of the chromatographic mark. The printed ink is solid and even; the text is not flowery, white, or broken.
7.4 Binding requirements
Official documents should be bound on the left side without pages falling off. The cover and book block of the document must not fall off, and the back must be flat and not empty. The error between the two pages should not exceed 4mm. The setting for saddle stitching or flat stitching is to use two nails to saw the outer stitching holes 1/4 of the way up and down the book block, with an allowable error of ±4mm. The distance between the flat staple saw and the book is 3mm~5mm; there are no broken nails, missing nails, or heavy nails, and the stitches are flat and firm; the back spine cannot be unstitched. The size error of the cut product is ±1mm, the four corners are at 90 degrees, and there are no stubble or defects.
8 Rules for the identification of various elements in official documents
This standard divides the elements that make up official documents into three parts: header, main body, and imprint.
The elements placed above the red backline on the home page of the official document (the width is the same as the center of the page, that is, 156mm) are collectively called eyebrows; the elements placed below the red backline (not included) and between the subject words (not included) Each element of the title is collectively referred to as the main body; all elements placed below the subject heading are collectively referred to as the edition.
8.1 Header
8.1.1 Document copy serial number
Document copy serial number is the order of each document when several copies of the same document are printed.
Number. If you need to mark the serial number of copies of the official document, use Arabic numerals to mark the number 1 in the upper left corner of the center of the page.
8.1.2 Secret Level and Confidentiality Period
If you need to mark the secret level, use size 3 bold font, with the top square mark in the upper right corner of the page
No. 1 line, leave one word between the two words; if you need to mark both the secret level and the confidentiality period, use size 3 boldface, and mark the top line on the first line in the upper right corner of the page. Use "★" to separate the secret level and confidentiality period. .
8.1.3 Urgency
If you need to indicate the urgency, use size 3 boldface and mark it in the upper right corner of the center of the page
Line 1, two Leave a space between words; if you need to mark both the secret level and the urgency, the top box mark of the secret level is in the first line in the upper right corner of the center of the page. If you need to mark the secret level, use No. 3 boldface type, and the top box mark is in the first line in the upper right corner of the center of the page. OK, the emergency level is marked on the second line in the upper right corner of the page.
8. 1.4 The logo of the document-issuing agency is composed of the full name or standardized abbreviation of the document-issuing agency followed by "document"; for some specific official documents, only the full name or standardized abbreviation of the document-issuing agency may be marked. The distance from the upper edge of the issuing authority's logo to the upper edge of the center of the plate is 25mm. For submitted official documents, the distance from the upper edge of the issuing authority’s logo to the upper edge of the center of the page is 80mm. If you need to mark the serial number of copies of the official document, the confidentiality level and confidentiality period, and the degree of urgency, you can mark it in two lines above the logo of the issuing authority (see Figure 3).
It is recommended that the logo of the issuing authority should use small-sized Song fonts and be marked in red. The font size is determined by the issuing authority based on the principle of eye-catching and beautiful appearance, but should generally be less than 22 mm × 15 mm (height × width).
When jointly publishing the document, the name of the sponsoring agency should be placed first, and the word "document" should be placed to the right of the name of the issuing agency, arranged top to bottom in the middle; if there are too many jointly publishing agencies, the main text must be displayed on the first page of the official document.
8.1.5 Issuance number
The issuance number consists of the code of the issuing authority, the year and the serial number. Logo of the issuing authority
Leave 2 lines blank at the bottom, use No. 3 imitation Song font, and arrange it in the center; the year and serial number should be marked with Arabic numerals; the year should be marked with the full name and enclosed in hexagonal "[ ]"; the serial number should not be numbered Dummy position (i.e. 1 is not programmed as O01), do not add the word "th".
Print a red reverse line the same width as the center of the plate 4mm below the issuing mechanism.
8.1.6 Issuer
The submitted official documents must be marked with the name of the issuer, arranged parallel to the right of the document number. The number of the issued document is one word in the left space, and the name of the issuer is one word in the right space; the issuer is in No. 3 imitation Song font, followed by a full-width colon, and the name of the issuer is in No. 3 italic script after the colon.
If there are multiple issuers, the name of the sponsor's issuer is placed on the 1st line, and for other signatures
The name of the issuer is placed under the name of the organizer's issuer from the 2nd line onwards. Arrange in sequence according to the order of the issuing authority
and move the red backline downward so that the issuing number and the last issuer's name
are on the same line and the red backline should be with it. The distance is 4mm.
8.2 Main body
8.2.1 Title of the official document
Leave 2 lines blank under the red backline, use No. 2 small subscript Song Ti, which can be divided into one or more lines The lines should be arranged in the center; when returning to the line, the meaning of the words should be complete, the arrangement should be symmetrical, and the spacing should be appropriate. 8.2.2 Main sending agency
Leave 1 line blank under the title. The left top box is marked with No. 3 imitation Song font. When returning to the line, the top box is still there; the last name of the main sending agency is followed by a full-width colon. If there are too many names of the main sending agency and the main text cannot be displayed on the home page of the official document, the name of the main sending agency should be moved below the subject heading in the edition and above the carbon copy. The marking method is the same as that of the carbon copy.
8.2.3 The main text of the official document
One line below the name of the main sending agency, 2 words left blank for each natural paragraph, and the top box of the return line. Numbers and years cannot be returned.
8.2.4 Attachments
If there are attachments to the official document, mark "Attachment" in a blank line with 2 words in the left space below the text, using size 3 imitation font, followed by a full-width colon. and name. If attachments have serial numbers, use Arabic numerals (such as “Attachment: 1. ×××××”); no punctuation marks will be added after the name of the attachment. Attachments should be bound together with the main text of the official document, and "Attachment" should be marked on the top box of the first row in the upper left corner of the attachment. If there is a serial number, the serial number should be marked; the serial number and name of the attachment should be consistent. If the attachment and the main text of the official document cannot be bound together, the issuance number of the official document should be marked in the top box of the first line in the upper left corner of the attachment and the attachment (or serial number) should be marked after it.
8.2.5 Documentation date
Use Chinese characters to mark the year, month and day; write "zero" as "O"; see 8.2 for the location of the document date. .6.
8.2.6 Official document validity mark
The official document validity mark is a form of expression that proves the validity of the official document. It includes the seal of the issuing authority or the name of the signatory. There are two ways to mark the validity of official documents. One is how a single issuing agency marks the validity mark of an official document, and the other is how joint issuing agencies mark the validity mark of an official document. Single issuance seal
Official documents issued by a single agency do not have the name of the issuing agency in the signature area, but only the date of the document. There should be 4 words left blank to the right of the date of writing; the seal should be within one line of the main text, straight and centered, and the time of writing should be at the bottom. The seal should be red.
When there is no text on the lower arc of the seal, the lower arc method is used, that is, only the lower arc is pressed on the written date;
When there is text on the lower arc of the seal, the middle set method is used. That is, the center line of the seal presses on the date of writing. Joint seal
When the joint document needs to be stamped with two seals, the date of writing should be separated and 7 characters should be left blank on the left and right; the sponsoring agency The seal comes first; both seals are stamped with the date of writing, and the seal is in red. Only the same sealing method can be used to ensure that the seals are arranged neatly. The two seals do not intersect or are tangent to each other, and the distance between them does not exceed 3MM.
When a joint document needs to be affixed with more than 3 seals, in order to prevent blank seals, the names (abbreviations available) of each issuing agency should be arranged in the corresponding position in the order of affixing the seals, and the seals should be affixed. or overprinted on it. The seal of the sponsoring organization is in the front, and each row can have a maximum of 3 seals, and the two ends must not exceed the center of the page; if there are one or two seals in the last row, they should be arranged in the middle; the seals should not intersect or be tangent to each other; in the last row There are two words in the right space below the seal to indicate the time of writing. Notes on special circumstances
When the blank space left after typesetting the official document cannot accommodate the seal position, measures should be taken to adjust the line spacing and character spacing to solve the problem. , make sure that the seal and the text are on the same side, and do not use the method of marking "This page has no text" to solve the problem.
8.2.7 Notes
If there are notes in the official document, they should be written in No. 3 imitation Song font, with 2 characters in the left space and parentheses, and placed on the line below the date of writing.
8.3 Edition
8.3.1 Subject Headings
"Subject Headings" should be in size 3 boldface, placed in the top left column, and followed by full-width characters. Colon; headings should be marked in Song style with size 3; there should be a space between headings.
8.3.2 Copying authority
If there is a copying authority on the official document, it should be placed 1 line below the subject heading; leave one word blank on the left and right, and use No. 3 imitation Song font to mark "Copied" "Send", followed by a full-width colon; commas are used to separate the Cc authorities, and they should be aligned with the Cc authorities after the colon when returning; a period is added after the last Cc authority. If the main sending agency is moved under the subject heading, the identification method is the same as the copying agency.
8.3.3 Issuing authority and date of issuance
It is located under the copying authority (no copying authority is under the subject heading) and occupies line 1; use No. 3 imitation Song font. The word "l" is left blank for the issuing authority, and the word "l" is left blank for the date of issuance. The date of issuance is based on the date when the official document is printed, and is marked with Arabic numerals.
8.3.4 Backlines in the page layout
Add a backline under each element in the page layout, with the same width as the center of the page.
8.3.5 The position of the imprint
The imprint should be placed on the last page of the official document (fourth cover), and the last element of the imprint should be placed on the last line.
9 pages
Use No. 4 half-width Arabic numerals in white and place them one line below the bottom edge of the center of the page.
Place a No. 4 on the left and right of the digits. One word line, one word line is 7mm away from the lower edge of the center of the plate. Single page numbers should be spaced with one word on the right, and double page numbers should be spaced with one word on the left. Blank pages and pages following the blank page do not have page numbers.
10 Tables in Official Documents
If a table is required in an official document, for a horizontal A4 paper form, the page number should be placed on the left side of the horizontal table, and the single page number should be placed in the lower left corner of the table. , the double-page number is placed in the upper left corner of the table, the single-page number header is on the side of the stitching opening, and the double-page number header is on the notch side.
If the official document needs to be accompanied by an A3 paper form, and when the last page is an A3 paper form, the third and fourth covers (which can be placed for separate delivery, without page numbers) should be blank, and the A3 paper form should be attached It should not be affixed to the last page of the document (fourth cover) before the third cover.
11 Specific format of official documents
11.1 Letter format
The distance between the upper edge of the name of the issuing institution and the upper edge of the page is 30mm. It is recommended to use small markup Song-style characters, the font size is determined by the issuing authority; 4mm below the full name of the issuing authority is a military and civil line (thick at the top and thin at the bottom), and 20mm from the bottom edge of the page is a civil and military line (thin at the top and thick at the bottom), both lines are 170mm long . There are 28 characters in the center of each line. The homepage does not display page numbers. The name of the issuing agency and the double line are printed in red. The text number is placed on the top right edge of the center of the page one line below the Wuwen line. Leave a blank line below the document number to identify the title of the official document. If you need to mark the level of confidentiality or urgency, you can place the top grid mark on the left edge of the center of the L line below the martial arts line. The identification method of other elements between the two lines is explained from the corresponding elements of this standard.
11.2 Command Format
The command logo consists of the name of the issuing agency plus "order" or "order", with a red subscript in Song font, and the font size is determined by the issuing agency. The upper edge of the command mark is 20mm away from the top edge of the center of the page.
Leave 2 lines blank at the bottom edge to mark the command number; 2 blank lines below the command number mark the text;
1 blank line below the text to the right A blank 4 characters indicates the signature seal of the issuer, and a blank 2 characters on the left side of the signature seal identifies the issuer's position; the full name of the issuer's position of a jointly issued order or order should be marked. Leave a blank line under the signature of the issuer and two words on the right side to indicate the date of writing. Other elements are explained from the relevant elements of this standard.
11.3 Meeting Minutes Format
The meeting minutes mark consists of “××××××Meeting Minutes”. Its identification bit
is set to the same as 8. l. 4. Use red small letters in Song font, and the font size will be determined by the issuing authority. Meeting minutes will not be stamped. Other elements are explained from the relevant elements of this standard.
12 Styles
See Figure 1 for the margins and center dimensions of A4 official document paper; see Figure 2 for the layout of the first page of the official document;
See the layout of the first page of the official document for submission Figure 3; the layout of the last page of the official document is shown in Figure 4; the layout 1 of the last page of the joint document is shown in Figure 5; the layout 2 of the last page of the joint document is shown in Figure 6.
(Excerpted from "National Administrative Agencies
Official Document Format" GB/T9704-1999 by China Standard Publishing House)
Attachment: Interpretation of Articles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the general paper requirements, printing requirements, order of elements in official documents, and marking rules for official documents of national administrative agencies.
This standard applies to official documents issued by administrative agencies at all levels of the country. Official documents from other agencies may be implemented with reference.
The format of official documents printed in minority languages ??may refer to this standard and be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
This chapter stipulates the content scope, application scope and specific scope of the standard.
(1) Content scope
The content scope only covers the paper requirements, printing requirements, and the order of the various elements of the official documents in the format of national administrative agency official documents (hereinafter referred to as "official documents") and identification rules are not the entire scope of official document formats. The complete requirements for the format of official documents should be studied by combining the requirements for the format of official documents in the "Measures for Handling Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies" with this standard.
(2) Scope of application
This standard applies to official documents of national administrative agencies at all levels, and official documents of other agencies, enterprises and institutions can be implemented by reference. The so-called reference execution means that it can be combined with your own actual execution.
(3) Specific scope
The "Measures" stipulate that official documents in ethnic minority autonomous regions can use minority languages ??at the same time. Since the fonts, font styles and writing habits of ethnic minority characters are different from those of Chinese characters, the implementation of this standard may be separately specified in some places with reference to this standard.
2 Reference standards
GB/T 148-1997 Format size of printing, writing and drawing paper
National standard GB/T 148 cited in this standard -1997 "Format Sizes of Printing, Writing and Drawing Papers" mainly stipulates the format sizes of printing, writing and drawing papers. Among general official documents, printing paper and writing paper are mainly used. Since this standard is adopted based on the international standard ISO 218, the paper format size is completely consistent with the international standard. Among the A series paper types, the paper type of official document paper is A4 type, that is, the format size is 210mm×297mm, and the error of each trimming edge is specified to be ±3mm. Therefore, the format size of official documents specified in GB/T 9704-1999 "Format of Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies" is based on GB/T 148-1997 "Format Size of Printing, Writing and Drawing Paper".
3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3. 1 Word
The length unit that identifies the horizontal distance in the official document. A word refers to the space occupied by a Chinese character.
3.2 Line line
Identifies the length unit of the vertical distance in the official document. This standard uses the distance between the height of size 3 fonts plus 7/8 times the height of size 3 fonts as a reference line; the title of an official document uses the distance between the height of size 2 fonts plus 7/8 times the height of size 2 fonts as a reference line.
In this standard, in order to determine the position of various elements in the official document, it is necessary to provide unified regulations on the vertical and horizontal positioning of the official document. For this reason, the horizontal description form of official documents is "word", and the vertical description form is "line". In these two definitions, "zi" refers to the horizontal distance of Chinese characters. The concept of a "line" (except for the title No. 2) refers to the height of the No. 3 font plus 7/8 times its distance. Therefore, a line referred to in the standard is a fixed unit of quantity. From these two definitions, any element in the official document can be accurately positioned horizontally and vertically.
4 Main technical indicators of official document paper
Official document paper generally uses offset printing paper or copy paper with a paper basis of 60g/m to 80g/m2. The whiteness of the paper is 85% to 90%, the transverse folding resistance is ≥15 times, the opacity is ≥85%, and the pH value is 7.5-9.5.
Due to the special status of official documents, on the one hand, we must consider their serious and solemn appearance, on the other hand, we must also consider their frequent use and long-term preservation requirements as archives. Therefore, the technical indicators of the paper used for official documents must be determined. corresponding regulations.
The quality of official document paper is offset printing paper or copy paper with a quality of 60g/M2-80g/m2, which takes into account the economy and aesthetics of official document paper. Units with relatively poor economic conditions can use offset printing paper with a paper quality of no less than 60g/m2, and general official document paper can use offset printing paper with a paper quality of 70g/m2. For some units using high-end printing equipment, offset printing paper or copy paper with a paper quality no higher than 80g/m2 can be used. This relatively flexible regulation avoids a one-size-fits-all approach. Each user can control it according to its own situation. As long as it is not lower than the lower limit or not higher than the upper limit, it is in compliance with the standard.
The paper whiteness of official document paper is analyzed and summarized based on the national standards and industry standards related to paper whiteness indicators related to A-grade writing paper and offset printing paper. If the whiteness of the paper is too low, the paper will look dark, like a newspaper, which is very undignified; if the whiteness of the paper is too high, the reflectivity will increase and it will look dazzling, especially at night. If the whiteness of the paper is too high, it will affect your vision. It's very big and very uncomfortable for a long time.
The horizontal folding resistance ≥15 times is to ensure that the paper used for official documents cannot be too brittle and must maintain a certain degree of flexibility. Because many official documents need to be circulated at many levels, if the paper used for official documents is too brittle, the paper will break after being read a few times, making the official documents unable to be preserved completely, which will directly affect the effectiveness of the official documents.
The opacity ≥85% is to ensure that official documents do not use paper that is too transparent. If the transparency of official document paper is too high, the text printed on the front and back will bleed through each other, making the text look messy and messy, resulting in low printing quality and affecting the reading and transmission of official documents. This is also an important indicator of paper used for official documents.
The pH value of 7.5-9.5 is determined according to the relevant provisions of the industry standard DA/T 11-1994 "Document Paper Durability Test Method" formulated by the State Archives Administration.
This industry standard stipulates that the pH value of general durable paper with an archiving time of more than 200 years should be 7.5-9.5. Due to the need for long-term preservation and use of official documents as archives, it is necessary to stipulate this indicator.
5 Format and layout size of official document paper 5.1 Format size of official document paper Official document paper adopts A4 type paper specified in GB/T 148. The finished format size is: 210mm×297mm. For allowable deviations, see GB/T 148.
5.2 The margins and page margins of official documents are adequate
The top edge (upper white edge) of official document paper is: 37mm±lmm
Official document paper The binding edge (left white margin) is: 28mm±1mm
The center size is: 156mm×225mm (excluding page numbers)
This standard has changed the long-term use of official paper in our country. The 16-karat format is still used, but the format size of official document paper is changed to the international standard paper size A4. It should be said that this provision was made on the basis of extensive research and analysis of the impact that changing the paper format of official documents will have on my country's corresponding industrial system.
This major change is mainly based on the following three considerations:
(1) The adoption of international standards has become a common trend in official document paper internationally
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) formulated the specification standard for writing paper (writing paper is daily office paper) as early as 1975, namely ISO 262:1975. The main content is that the specification of writing paper is A4 Type (2l0mm×297mm). This type of paper takes full consideration of ergonomics, so it can accommodate more information and is of moderate size, making users feel more comfortable. Currently commonly used copiers, printers, computers, fax machines, etc. basically use the A4 standard as the basic paper size.
Since A4 paper is an international standard paper type, it is widely used by various countries and international organizations. Most of their official documents use A4 paper. International conferences all use A4 paper as conference document paper. In the process of revising the standard, the revision working group specifically conducted a survey on the paper usage of official documents of many countries and international organizations. Among the official document examples collected, A4 paper was all used as official document paper.
(2) Our country has basically met the conditions to adopt the international standard A4 type official document paper
In 1987 and 1988, our country formulated our country's national standards equivalent to ISO 6716 and ISO 216 respectively. Standard GB/T 788 and GB/T 148. However, taking into account the actual situation in our country, among these two standards, our country's own standard 16-opening type is also stipulated. With the popularity of the international standard A4 type, countries generally use A4 type paper as official document paper and writing paper. At the same time, various office automation equipment have the function of processing A4 type paper, making A4 type paper used as writing paper, books and magazines in our country. Using paper has become a general trend.
To this end, GB/T 148 and GB/T 788 have been revised to clearly stipulate the international standard A series as writing paper and book and magazine format sizes. This also leads to the adoption of the international standard A4 type for our country's official document paper, making our country's official document paper consistent with The foundation has been laid for the integration of international standards.
(3) Analysis of the necessity and basic conditions for eliminating 16-format paper
For a long time, our country has been using 16-format paper for official documents. This paper type standard is actually the standard used in early Japan. This type of paper is no longer used in Japan today.
Official documents printed on this type of paper carry a small amount of effective information, which is not conducive to official exchanges with governments or international organizations. Another disadvantage of 16-size paper as official document paper is that it does not have unified specifications, and some use B5-size paper and 16-size paper mixedly. The different paper formats result in the front and back pages of some government documents being of different sizes, affecting the quality of official documents and making them unserious. The international standard A4 type specifications are relatively strict. No matter where you buy A4 type paper, the error will not exceed 1mm, which can ensure the uniformity of the paper size used for documents. Therefore, it is very necessary to eliminate the 16-open type official document paper and adopt the international standard A4 type as
official document paper.
Changing the paper used for official documents from the l6 format to the international standard A4 type is a revolutionary change in the paper used for official documents in my country. Judging from what we know so far, my country's printing equipment manufacturing companies are fully capable of producing A-series printing equipment that meets international standards, and will gradually phase out old production equipment. Moreover, most of the copiers, printers, and light printing machines currently in use use A4 as the basic paper size. The printing equipment of many government departments has also been gradually updated to print A4 official documents.
At present, the time is basically ripe to eliminate 16-size paper and use A4-size paper as official document paper. Therefore, the national standards "Measures for Handling Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies" and "Format of Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies" clearly stipulate that the paper specifications for official documents generally adopt the international standard A4 type.
6 Color of graphics and text in official documents
Unless otherwise specified, the color of graphics and text in official documents is black.
Under normal circumstances, official documents are black except for the logo of the issuing agency, the reverse line on the eyebrow and the seal of the issuing agency, which are red. In order to avoid duplication of descriptions in subsequent chapters of this standard, general provisions are made here.
7 Typesetting specifications and printing and binding requirements
7.1 Typesetting specifications
Use size 3 imitation Song font for the main text. If there are subtitles in the text, use size 3 in small size. Marked in Song font or boldface, there are generally 22 lines on each side and 28 characters on each line.
7.2 Plate-making requirements
The layout should be clean without gray background, the writing should be clear without breaks, the size should be standard, the center of the plate should not be skewed, and the error should not exceed lmm.
7.3 Printing requirements
Double-sided printing; page numbers should be aligned, and the error on both sides should not exceed 2mm. The black ink should reach BL100% of the chromatographic mark, and the red ink should reach Y80% and M80% of the chromatographic mark. The printed ink is solid and even; the text is not flowery, white, or broken.
7.4 Binding requirements
Official documents should be bound on the left side without pages falling off. The cover and book block of the document must not fall off, and the back must be flat and not empty. The error between the two pages should not exceed 4mm. The setting for saddle stitching or flat stitching is to use two nails to saw the outer stitching holes 1/4 apart from the top and bottom of the book block, with an allowable error of ±4mm. The distance between the flat staple saw and the spine of the book is 3mm to 5mm; there are no broken nails, missing nails, or heavy nails, and the nail feet are flat and firm; the back must not have loose pages to be stapled. The size error of the cut product is ±lmm, the four corners are at 90 degrees, and there are no stubble or defects.
For a long time, our official documents lacked a more systematic printing and binding standard. Therefore, when some official documents are printed and bound, they do not know or are unclear about the unified requirements, resulting in irregular printing and binding of official documents, poor quality, and unseriousness. Therefore, when revising the standards, the requirements for the printing and binding of official documents are stipulated. The main purpose is to enable comrades engaged in the printing and binding of official documents to clearly understand how to print and bind official documents in line with national industry standards.
(1) The typesetting specifications given in the standard are to ensure the unification of the number of lines and words in official documents.
This provision is a necessary measure to solve the above-mentioned frequently occurring problems. In the normal case where one side is full of the main text of the official document, this provision should be followed. However, if there is a possibility of a blank page on the next side, you need to adjust the number of words and lines on a certain side to ensure that the next side contains the main text of the document. This situation is a special case. Therefore, the general situations specified in the standard are relatively special situations.
(2) The plate making requirements are given in the standard to ensure that departments that use plate making to print official documents can have operational regulations in the plate making process to ensure the quality of official document printing and reduce the number of unqualified official documents. Appear.
(3) The printing requirements are given in the standard to ensure the quality control of official documents during the printing process. There are many indicators regarding the quality standards of printed products. In this standard, only the most basic and common printing technology indicators are given; these indicators are easy to achieve as long as they are taken seriously. It is worth mentioning that in order to make the official documents basically consistent in the chromatogram of ink in the future, the chromatographic indicators of black ink and red ink are given in the standard. As long as the official document is printed according to the ink chromatogram given in the standard, it will be fine. Basically ensure that the color of official documents is relatively consistent.
(4) The binding requirements are given in the standard to ensure the quality control of official documents during the binding process. Due to the special role of official documents and to ensure the long-term preservation of official documents, it is necessary to make unified regulations on the binding of official documents. During our investigation, we found that some official documents were not bound in a standardized manner. It is common for loose pages to be clearly bound. Broken nails often occur. The nail positions of the nail saw are also very irregular, which leads to the phenomenon of page falling off of official documents, which directly affects Integrity of official documents. This standard stipulates the binding requirements for official documents, which means to strictly control the final process of forming official documents to ensure the quality of official documents.
8 Rules for the identification of various elements in official documents
This standard divides the elements that make up official documents into three parts: header, main body, and imprint. All elements placed above the red back line (width the same as the center of the page, i.e. 156mm) on the homepage of the official document are collectively referred to as the eyebrow; all elements placed below the red back line (exclusive) to the subject heading (exclusive) are collectively referred to as the main body; All elements below the subject heading are collectively referred to as imprints.
This standard divides the elements of official documents into three parts: header, main body, and imprint. It is determined based on the suggestions of comrades with many years of practical experience in official document processing. Among them, the two concepts of "eyebrow" and "print" have been used in the official document printing industry for many years, and "subject" is a new concept proposed in this standard. The reason for this division is for the convenience of narrative. More importantly, these three parts have their own characteristics, are relatively independent, and have obvious boundaries. The characteristic of the eyebrow head is that its position is relatively fixed. Once you master the provisions of this standard on the position of each element of the eyebrow head
, you can design the "red head" part of the file (the specific design method will be introduced later).
The characteristic of the subject is that its position changes frequently, depending on the length of the document. Since the substantive content of the official document is in this part, it makes sense to call it the "main body".
The characteristic of the imprint is that the location depends on the composition of the main body of the official document. Since official documents must be printed on both sides according to the provisions of this standard, there is a question of which side the imprint is located on; if the official document has attachments, there is also a question of whether the imprint should be placed after the main text or after the attachment. It is therefore necessary to describe the edition as a separate part.
Using a vivid metaphor, the eyebrows can be called the "head" of the official document, the main body is called the "body" of the official document, and the version is called the "feet" of the official document. Dividing the various elements of official documents into three parts: "head", "body" and "feet" not only makes it easier to grasp their connections as a whole, but also makes it easier to "dissect" them and grasp their differences. This is a new perspective proposed by this standard on the structural division of official documents, and it is also the biggest structural feature of this standard.
8.1 Eyebrow
8.1.1 Serial number of official document copies
The serial number of official document copies refers to each copy when several copies of the same document are printed. The serial number of official documents
. If you need to mark the serial number of copies of the official document, use Arabic numerals to mark the upper left corner of the page on the l line.
Not all official documents require serial numbers. The "Measures" stipulate that official documents with a confidentiality level must be numbered.
If the issuing authority deems it necessary, it may also compile serial numbers for official documents without confidentiality levels. For example, all documents of the State Council are numbered.
The purpose of numbering copies is to accurately grasp the number of copies printed and the scope and target of distribution of official documents. When a document needs to be taken back for safekeeping or destroyed, you can check the copy serial number to see if there is any omission or loss. The issuing authority can know the whereabouts of each official document based on the serial number. Therefore, both the issuing agency and the receiving agency must register the copy serial number when issuing the document.
This standard stipulates the use of Arabic numerals for the serial number of the preparation copies, but does not specify the number of numbers.
Generally speaking, the number of numbers should be determined based on the number of copies of the official document, but it should be at least no less than two
digits, that is, "1" should be numbered as "01". If "l" is written alone, people will not know its meaning and think it was printed by mistake. For the serial numbers of the copies, some are manually stamped on the document using a printing machine, and some are printed