Microsoft Yahei or Times New Roman are used for general reporting or business use. Because basically all computers have them, it will not cause the problem of fonts not being displayed after copying. Also, unless there is a special purpose, For example, for posters or promotions, the fonts do not need to be too fancy, as long as they can be read normally and smoothly. 1. copperplate
Copperplate comes from early copperplate printing (engraved copies). As the name suggests, it is copper plate or copper plate printing. Copperplate is a type of English calligraphy font.
2. Ming liu
simsun is the traditional Chinese font that Microsoft purchased from Huakang, and it is also the computer font that Windows users are most accustomed to. simsun.ttc has two faces.
3. Arial
Arial is a sans-serif TrueType font distributed with several Microsoft applications. Monotype designed fonts compete with Helvetica's linotype as a cheaper option.
4. Calibri
Calibri is a sans-serif font, originally released in Microsoft Windows Vista, and is also the default font for Microsoft Office 2007 suite of software.
5. Comic Sans
Comic Sans is a handwriting-like font designed by Vincent Connare and released in 1994. This font has been included in Microsoft's Windows system since Windows 95, and has become one of the most commonly used fonts in Microsoft systems.