What is Liu's English name?
If Li Ka-shing's Hong Kong Pinyin is similar to Cantonese Pinyin, but slightly different, it can be added to the Hong Kong identity card, which has legal effect, that is, it can be used as a real name, so you can see that many Hong Kong people's signatures are scrawled English names, yours is ChunFaiLau, but China does not allow Cantonese Pinyin, so it is useless. My name is the same as yours, but my last name is different. My parents gave me the English name Felix. You can take it if you like. It is FelixLiu, or the Cantonese spelling FelixLau. It is also very popular abroad, and it is similar to the Cantonese pronunciation in Huizi. Don't foreigners call Yao Yao, his surname and his signature are. In fact, there is no need to be similar to 100%, just to explain it to you. Moreover, many new Hong Kong immigrant identity cards are also in domestic Pinyin, and it is also possible to use Pinyin as English names. I'm from Hong Kong, believe me. .