Adults need the signature of the village Committee director to change their names. If you want to apply for an identity card and change your name, you must sign it by the village Committee. You first apply and change your name, then sign and seal the village Committee, and then go to the place where the police station at the next higher level is registered. I write an application for renaming the household registration book, and go to the police station where the household registration book is located with the above certificate, household registration book and ID card.
Three kinds of people can't change their names
Serve time. Being under investigation in a criminal case or a public security case. There are other circumstances that deliberately conceal or maliciously evade legal sanctions. In addition, article 99 of the civil code stipulates that. Citizens have the right to name, and have the right to decide, use and change their names in accordance with regulations. Interference, misappropriation and counterfeiting are prohibited. So, in theory, you can change your name in the household registration book at any time.