倀1 〔lǎnɡ ㄌㄤˇ〕
Open appearance.
倀2 〔lànɡ ㄌㄤˋ〕
The words used in place names. Xunshan, in Hunan Province. Butterfly, in Guangdong Province.
菏1 〔rěn ㄖㄣˇ〕
〔"Guangyun" Ru Shiqie, go to bed, day. 〕
1. Plant name. That is Baisu. 2. Weak; timid.
晟1 〔shènɡ ㄕㄥˋ〕
〔chénɡ ㄔㄥˊ〕
〔"Guangyun" Chengzhengqie, removing energy, Zen. 〕
1. Bright. 2. Praise. 3. Prosperity.
悳1 〔dé ㄉㄜˊ〕
The old glyph of "德1". The ancient Chinese character for "德1".
bribe 1 〔lù ㄌㄨˋ〕
The abbreviated form of "bribe 1".
莳1 [shí ㄕˊ]
Also known as "粲2". The traditional Chinese character of "莳1".
See " dill ".
莳2 〔shì ㄕˋ〕
Transplanting; planting
哓1 〔yì ㄧˋ〕
Cut the nose. One of the five ancient tortures. "劓, cut off a person's nose."
Covet 〔jì ㄐㄧˋ〕
Hope; attempt.
耀1 [jī ㄐㄧ]
Same as "鑑1".
1. Fruits and vegetables that are finely chopped and soaked in salt sauce. Such as pickles, pickles, jam, etc.
2. Minced ginger, garlic, onions, leeks and other vegetables used for seasoning.
3. To crush. See "harrow flour".
● 颴xuàn
◎ Whirlwind.
萚1 〔tuò ㄊㄨㄛˋ〕
1. The bark and leaves of grass and trees falling to the ground
2. The name of the tree. Sancho
3. Grass name
● 德 dé
◎ Same as "virtue".
1. Blood sacrifice. 2. A gap; a crack. 3. Fault; sin; defect. 4. Disaster; disaster. 5. Dispute; grudge.
襼1 〔yì ㄧˋ〕
虒1 〔sī ㄙ〕
The name of the legendary beast, which resembles a tiger and has horns, and can walk in water.
奀1 〔ēn ㄣ〕
1. Dialect. People are thin and weak. 2. Dialect. Objects are small. Guangzhou Yangjiang dialect quantifiers can be directly modified by the adjectives big, thin, and small (small) without numerals.