Right-click on the label of the union warehouse to select the icon. After selecting the icon, you can change the name. The new guild system in World of Warcraft can increase the guild level and obtain guild achievements, and talents can be added to the specialization system. The final boss in the expansion is Deathwing.
On July 12, 2011, the third expansion pack of "World of Warcraft", "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm", was officially launched in mainland China. The maximum character level of level 85 introduces the new optional races Werewolf and Goblin.
Introduction to other situations in World of Warcraft.
After the threat of Deathwing was eliminated, Horde Warchief Garrosh Hellscream took the opportunity to attack the Alliance and expand the Horde's territory in Kalimdor. The first target was Theramore, a human city in Dustwallow Swamp. After stealing the Blue Dragon's artifact, the Focusing Iris, Garrosh Hellscream used bombs made from the Focusing Iris to attack Theramore.
Theramore was completely destroyed, and the leader of Dalaran, Ronin, who was involved in the period, died heroically in order to protect Jaina Proudmoore and others, and the old and new hatreds between the Alliance and the Horde once again renewed broke out, and the war spread to all parts of the world.