Objective: To determine the content of xylene by gas chromatography.
Experimental instruments: XXX gas chromatograph, XXX balance.
Experimental reagents and samples: record the batch numbers of samples and other standards. Also, the reagents used in the experiment should be recorded, such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which is chromatographically pure with a purity of 99.5% and made by the manufacturer ..., so it is much easier to repeat the experiment.
Experimental conditions: this is more complicated.
Chromatographic column: SE-54, DB- 1 and other fillers, and then 30m×0.32mm×0.25μm m and other specifications. ..
Carrier gas: nitrogen or something.
Flow rate or pre-column pressure
split ratio
inlet temperature
Chromatographic column temperature
Detector temperature
Sample volume: If it is headspace, write down the conditions of headspace, such as preheating time and temperature.
Detector, is it FID or something
Experimental operation: this is mainly sample preparation.
Preparation of reference substance
sample preparation
For example, accurately weigh xylene 1.0023g, put it in a 50ml volumetric flask, and add DMSO to dissolve it to the scale. Take a proper amount of dimethyl sample, inject it into the gas chromatograph and record the chromatogram. It is mainly the process of weighing samples or removing and diluting them.
Test result: This is a calculation. Peak area, concentration and then sample content.
Conclusion: The content of dimethyl sample is ..., which meets the requirements.
computing formula