I picked out a few for you ~ I didn't see the one starting with G. Okay ~
Female name:
Chris, Chris is short for Christine, and Chris is a unisex name. People think that Chris is a naughty girl or a very confident female athlete, with a confident smile, outgoing and energetic.
It is the goddess of flowers in ancient Greek mythology, referring to blooming flowers.
Short for Cinderella, Cynthia and Lucinda. Cindy is called the queen of all American teenagers, a sweet and charming blonde girl, full of energy and health.
Deborah, short for Deborah. Debbie is portrayed as a lovely, healthy, talkative, lively and interesting child.
(Persian) the meaning of "dawn". Ren thinks that roxanne is a beautiful, elegant, energetic and enthusiastic blonde.
Short for Anna Stasija. Stacy is described as petite and cute, young and red-haired, lively and outgoing, and likes to make jokes.
Short for Tamara. People think Tammy is a lovely young girl, sweet, interesting and extravagant.
Male name:
It is the nickname of Gabriel, originally in Hebrew, which means "God Man". According to the Bible, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to announce the birth of John and Jesus.
For Ambrogino: Luigino Gino in people's mouth is a short, dark-skinned and muscular Italian, friendly, energetic and funny.
(Latin) belligerent. Warlike? Not at all! People say that Mark is a very handsome man who loves sports, is funny and loves freedom, and is a careful friend.
got it
(Old German) a famous gunman. Roger is considered a handsome man, friendly, lovely and full of fun.
Terry is the abbreviation of Terrence. He is an interesting boy who likes sports, is kind and loves to laugh.