Problem Event Name: Blue Screen
OS version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID:2052
Additional information on this issue:
BCCode: 1 16
bcp 1:876205 10
bcp 2:9 12f 73 10
bcp 4:00000002
Operating system version: 6_ 1_760 1
Service package: 1_0
Product code: 256_ 1
Documents that help describe the problem:
c:\ Windows \ Minidump \ 0930 1 1-33 165-0 1 . DMP
C:\ user \ administrator \ AppData \ local \ temporary \ wer-54631-0.sysdata.xml.
Read the privacy statement online:
/fwlink/? linkid= 104288。 clcid=0x0804
If you can't get the online privacy statement, please read our privacy statement offline:
c:\ Windows \ system32 \ zh-CN \ erofflps . txt