How to improve the running speed of XP?
◆1. Hardware optimization settings
◆1. Turn off unused devices
In the device manager, remove the PCMCIA card, modem, infrared device, To deactivate infrequently used devices such as the printer port (LPT1) or serial port (COM1), select "Do not use this device (disable)" in the "General" tab in the properties dialog box of the device to be deactivated. Enable these devices from Device Manager when you need to use them.
◆2. Memory performance optimization
There are several options in WindowsXP to optimize memory performance. They are all located under the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\ Memory Management
1) Disable memory paging (Paging Executive)
XP will write the fragments in the memory to the hard disk. We can prevent it from doing so and keep the data in the memory. , thereby improving system performance. Only use this setting if the memory is 256M or above. Change the value of "DisablePagingExecutive" from 0 to 1 to disable memory paging.
2) Improve system cache
You must have more than 256M of memory to activate it. Change the LargeSystemCache key value from 0 to 1. Generally speaking, this optimization will greatly improve system performance, but it may also reduce the performance of some applications.
3) Input/output performance
Only change the value here when the memory is greater than 256M. This optimization is only meaningful for server users. It can improve the system for large capacity. Performance during file transfer. Create a DWORD (double-byte value) key value and name it IOPageLockLimit. Set the value between 8M and 16M bytes for the best performance. What value should you set? You can try which value can get the best performance. This value is calculated in bytes. For example, if you want to allocate 12M, it is 12×1024×1024, which is 12582912.
◆3. Start the hard disk/optical drive DMA mode
"System Properties"-"Hardware"-"Device Manager", select "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller" in the device list ", double-click "Primary IDE Channel" or "Secondary IDE Channel", check whether DMA mode has been started in the "Advanced Settings" tab of its properties dialog box. Generally speaking, if the device supports it, the system will automatically turn on the DMA function , if it is not turned on, you can set the "Transfer Mode" to "DMA (if available)" (you should also set it to support DMA in the BIOS first).
◆4. Turn off the autoplay function
Run the "Group Policy" program, open "Computer Configuration" in the left column of the Group Policy window, and select "System" under "Administrative Templates" ", then find "Turn off Autoplay" in the configuration bar on the right and double-click it. The "Turn off Autoplay Properties" dialog box will pop up. In the "Settings" tab, select "Enabled" and "Turn off Autoplay" drop-down Select "All drives" from the list.
◆5. Set the L2 cache capacity
WindowsXP sometimes cannot automatically detect the L2 cache capacity of the processor, and we need to set it manually. Run the Registry Editor, find HKCU_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management, select the Dword value SecondLevelDataCache (if it does not exist, create a new value), and modify this value (use decimal when filling in) for your CPU The size of the secondary cache. For example, the secondary cache of your CPU is 256KB. Just modify the Dword value SecondLevelDataCache to 256 in decimal.
Second-level cache size introduction AMD series Duron 64KB K6-3 Thunderbird AthlonXP 256KB K6-2 Athlon 512KB; Intel series CeleronA Celeron2 128KB P2 Mobile P3E (EB) P4 Willamette 256KB P2 P3 (katmai) P4 (Northwood) 512KB. If you are using WinXP, be sure to check: open the registry, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and change the value of "RegDone" from 0 to 1 to complete. This operation is very important, and there are many strange little problems. And solve.
◆6. Cancel Microsoft’s verification prompt
When installing the driver, a window will often pop up saying that the program has not been verified by Microsoft. We can go to Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Management Member—Driver Signing, Cancel.
◆7. Prioritize IRQ interrupt requests
Each major component of the computer has an IRQ interrupt number. The purpose here is to achieve optimization by modifying the priority of each IRQ request. The main optimization object here is the system CMOS real-time clock, which improves performance through the motherboard. First, determine which component you want to get higher performance, and then find the IRQ number that the hardware is using. How to find it? Open the System Properties in Control Panel, select the "Hardware" tab, and then click the "Device Manager" button. Right-click the component whose IRQ number you want to check, select "Properties", and then click the "Resources" tab. Here you can see the IRQ interrupt number being used by the device (if there is no IRQ interrupt number, select another device). Write down the interrupt number, then run the registry editor Regedit and find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl location in the registry. We need to create a DWORD double-byte value named IRQ#Priority (where "#" is the specific IRQ interrupt number) here, and then set its value to 1. For example, the IRQ interrupt number of my system's CMOS real-time clock is 8, and the key name I want to create is IRQ8Priority. After restarting your computer, you will notice an improvement in the performance of your newly optimized components. It is strongly recommended to use this method to optimize the system CMOS real-time clock, because it can improve the performance of the entire motherboard. Of course, you can also increase the priority of multiple IRQ interrupt numbers, but the effect is not that good and may cause system instability. If you want to undo this optimization setting, just delete the registry key you just created.
◆2. Network optimization settings
◆1. Optimize Network Neighborhood
When Windows XP uses Network Neighborhood, it will first search its own shared directory and Printers that can be shared as a network and network-related scheduled tasks in scheduled tasks are not displayed until they are displayed. This will directly affect the running speed of the computer. If unnecessary, they should be deleted. Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\sofeware\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace in the registry editor and delete {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE08002B30309D} (printer) and {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87- 00AA0060F5BF} (scheduled task).
◆2. Solve the WinXP runtime pause problem
Start-Network Connection-Local Connection-Select Properties-Select the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" property and change the IP address: Subnet mask:
◆3. Let XP automatically connect to the network
Open the dial-up connection properties, uncheck "Prompt for name, password, credentials, etc.", and then put the dial-up in "Start" That's it.
◆4. Release 20% of the network bandwidth occupied by QoS Packet
Open the "Group Policy" window and expand "Computer Configuration→Administrative Templates→Network→QoS Packet" in the left column Scheduler", double-click "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" in the right window, set "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" to "Enabled" in the "Settings" tab of its properties dialog box, and then set Just set "Bandwidth Limit" to 0.
◆5. Optimize the NTFS file system
Cancel the update of the last disk access, run "regedit" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentContolSet\Control\Filesystem, add DWORD, the value is 1 .
◆6. Optimize the firewall
1) Enable or disable the Internet connection firewall, open "Network Connections", right-click the connection to be protected, and then select "Advanced" in the properties box - "Settings" - "Enable"; 2) Enable or disable the security logging option, right-click the connection to enable the firewall, select "Advanced" - "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Security Logging Settings" in its properties box, and Just uncheck both items.
◆7. Increase the 10/100M network card transmission rate
Right-click the connection used by the network card, open the "Properties" dialog box, select "Configuration" of the network card used, and select in the "Advanced" column "Link Speed/Duplex Mode", then change "Auto Mode" to "10 Half Mode" in the "Settings" column. In this way, manually force the attributes of the 10/100M adaptive network card to 10M half-duplex mode, so that the network cards do not automatically negotiate with each other, so that the network cards always transmit data at a speed of 10Mbps, which greatly improves the speed between networks. transmission efficiency. This setting is only valid for some network cards.
◆8. Let IE start quickly and support multi-threaded downloads
1) Quick start: right-click the Internet Explorer icon on the taskbar and add "-nohome" after "Target" Parameters (after adding parameters are as follows: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome), confirm. 2) Support multi-threaded downloading: Run the registry editor and create a new double-byte value item "MaxConnectionsPerServer" under "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings", which determines the maximum number of simultaneous download connections. Generally, it is better to set the number of connections to 5 to 8.
◆3. System weight loss settings
◆1. Delete system file backup sfc.exe /purgecache (not commonly used by ordinary users).
◆2. Delete the file (73M) in the windows\driver cache\i386 directory of the driver backup.
◆3. Cancel system restore (it is recommended to use the disk where XP is installed, do not use other disks, and regularly delete some earlier restore points through the system cleanup program).
◆4. Delete the help file (the size of the file using the Chinese localization package is 92 MB. It is best not to delete it if you are just starting to use XP).
◆5. Delete the files under \WINDOWS\system32\dllcache (this is a backup dll file, you can do this as long as you copy the installation file).
◆6. Move my documents and IE’s temporary folders to other partitions. (It is also good for the speed of the system and the hard disk. If you are using dual systems, it is best to put the IE temporary files of the two systems in the same folder, so as to speed up and save space).
◆7. Transfer the virtual memory to other disks (that is, put these things and the usual temporary downloaded files in a small partition, which also makes it easier to organize the hard disk).
◆8. Install the application software on another disk (this is also good for reinstalling the system and can save a lot of work).
◆9. Delete the unused input methods under \windows\ime (Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese input methods, please research which one is which).
◆10. If you use NTFS format to install XP, it will save space.
◆4. System optimization settings
◆1. General system optimization
1) Turn off the special effects in the system properties. This is a simple and effective way to speed up. . Click Start→Control Panel→System→Advanced→Performance→Settings→In Visual Effects, set to Adjust for best performance→OK.
2) "My Computer" - "Properties" - "Advanced" - "Error Reporting" - select "Disable Error Reporting".
3) Then click "Startup and Recovery" - "Settings" and uncheck "Write Events to System Log", "Send Management Alerts" and "Automatic Restart". Then set the "Write debugging information" below to "None".
4) "My Computer" - "Properties" - "Advanced" - "Performance" - "Settings" - "Advanced", set the virtual memory value to 2.5 times the physical memory, and change the initial size Set it to the same value as the maximum value (for example, if your memory is 256M, you can set it to 640M), and set the virtual memory outside the system disk (note: delete the original file after moving it).
5) Move the "My Documents" folder to another partition: right-click "My Documents" - "Properties" - "Move" and set it to a partition other than the system disk.
6) Transfer the IE temporary folder to other partitions: Open the IE browser, select "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "General" - "Settings" - "Move Folder", and set the settings Just go to a partition other than the system disk.
◆2. Speed ??up the startup and shutdown of XP
1) First, open "System Properties", click "Advanced" tab, and open "Startup and Recovery" area "Settings", remove the two √ in the "System Startup" area, if it is a multi-system user, keep the √ in "Display operating system list time". Then click "Edit" to make sure that the additional attribute of the startup item is /fastdetect instead of /nodetect. Do not add the /noguiboot attribute first, because guiboot will be used later.
2) The next step is very critical. Open the "Hardware" tab in "System Properties", open "Device Manager", expand "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controller", double-click to open "Timeout". IDE Channel" property, click the "Advanced Settings" tab, change the transfer mode of devices 1 and 2 to "DMA (if available)", select "None" if the device type can be selected, and click OK to complete. set up. Set the "Main IDE Channel" in the same way.
3) Set pre-reading to improve boot speed. Open the registry and find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters. In the right window, change the value of EnablePrefetcher to 1 (0 - disabled Pre-reading, 1-pre-reading application, 2-system startup pre-reading, 3-pre-reading both of the first two). If the computer is PIII 800MHz or above, you can try changing the value to 4 or 5.
4) By the way, speed up the shutdown. Open the registry (Start-Run-regedit), click "My Computer" to open "Find" in the "Edit" menu, enter AutoEndTasks, and click "Find Next". Double-click to open the found result and modify the "Value Data" to 1 (this item allows the system to automatically close the program that stops responding).
Then find HungAppTimeout under AutoEndTasks (set its "numeric data" to 2000 or less, it is recommended to set it to 200), and then find WaitToKillAppTimeout (set its "numeric data" to 2000 or less, it is recommended to set it to 1000). Here, also modify the menu delay time. Find MenuShowDelay under AutoEndTasks. The value is in milliseconds. If you want to remove the menu delay, set it to 0. After modification, click the "Edit" menu, open "Find Next" (shortcut key F3), continue searching, and modify the found results according to the method in the previous step (note: the values ????should be the same).
5) Use the above method to find WaitToKillServiceTimeout and set the value to be the same as WaitToKillAppTimeout.
6) After enjoying the pleasure of extremely fast restart, let’s further speed up the startup. Open "System Properties" - "Advanced" - "Startup and Recovery" settings, and open the "System Startup" area. Edit, add /noguiboot after fastdetect so that the scroll bar will no longer be displayed at startup. If you really like the display of this scroll bar, there is no need to do this step.
7) MsConfig. Select "Run" - "msconfig". What we need to do is the "Startup" tab. Click it. This tab displays all the programs that run when Windows starts. None of the programs here are life-or-death for Windows, so feel free to get rid of the ones you don't need.
◆3. Reduce the startup disk scan waiting time
Select "Start → Run" and type "chkntfs /t:0" in the run dialog box to wait for the disk scan The time is set to 0; if you want to ignore scanning a certain partition when the computer starts, such as the C drive, you can enter the "chkntfs /x c:" command; if you want to resume scanning the C drive, you can use the "chkntfs /d c:" command. This restores all chkntfs default settings except the countdown for automatic file checking.
◆4. Turn off the debugger Dr. Watson
Run drwtsn32 and remove everything except "dump all thread contexts". Otherwise, once a program error occurs, the hard disk will beep for a long time and take up a lot of space. If you have encountered this situation before, please find the user.dmp file and delete it. It may save dozens of M of space. This is the scene of the erroneous program and is of no use to us. Then open the registry, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug subkey branch, double-click the Auto key value name below it, change its "numeric data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh to make the settings take effect. This completely cancels its operation. In addition, the memory.dmp that appears during the blue screen can also be deleted. In "My Computer→Properties→Advanced→Settings→Write debugging information→Select None".
◆5. Turn off "System Restore"
Right-click "My Computer" on the desktop, select "Properties", find "System Restore" and remove it, this will Save a lot of space.
◆6. Turn off "Hibernation Support"
The hibernation function will take up a lot of hard disk space. If you use it sparingly, you might as well turn it off. Open "Control Panel" - "Power Options" - "Hibernation" tab and clear the "Enable Hibernation" check box.
◆7. Cancel support for ZIP compressed files
Click Start → Run, type: "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" between the double quotes, and then press Enter to confirm. Yes, the sign of success is that a prompt window appears, the content is roughly: Dll UnrgisterServer in zipfldr.dll is successful.
◆8. Do not load DLL files (uninstall useless dynamic links)
Find the following location of the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, and then create a A two-byte value named AlwaysUnloadDLL with a value of 1. If you want to remove this optimization, just set the key value to 0 (you can also delete the key altogether).
◆9. Close Error Report
Select the "Advanced" tab in the "System Properties" dialog box, click the "Error Report" button, and click the "Error Report" button in the pop-up "Error Report" In the dialog box, select the "Disable error reporting" single option, and finally click "OK".
◆10. Speed ??up the window display speed
Open the registry editor, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics, find the MinAniMate key value in the right window, and change it to 0.
◆11. Turn off automatic updates
Right-click "My Computer", select "Properties" - "Automatic Updates" - "Turn off automatic updates, I will update the computer manually", click Click OK.
◆12. Speed ??up the display of the start menu
Open the registry editor, find the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\MenuShowDelay" primary key, and adjust the key value appropriately, the minimum Set to "0". If this method does not work, please go to "Control Panel" - "Display Properties" - "Display Effects" - "Advanced" and uncheck the "show menu shadow" item to speed up the display of the start menu.
◆13. Turn off disk indexing
Open My Computer - right-click the drive - "Properties" - cancel "Use Index to Find Files Quickly".
◆14. Speed ??up the automatic refresh rate
Run the registry editor, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ystem\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update\, and change the numerical data of Dword[UpdateMode] to [ 0].
◆15. Turn off the automatic restart function
WindowsXP will suddenly restart when encountering serious problems. You can cancel this function from the registry. Open the Registry Editor, find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl\" and change the Dword value of the AutoReboot key to 0.
◆16. Delete the imposed attachment
Use Notepad to modify \winnt\inf\sysoc.inf, use the find/replace function, and enter ",hide" in the search box ( An English comma followed by hide), set the "Replace with" box to empty, and replace all, so that all hides are removed; save and exit; run "Add-Remove Programs" and you will see "Add There are several more options in /Remove Windows Components" so that you can delete some useless attachments.
◆17. Disable automatic calling of "Windows Messenger" at startup
Run the registry editor, find and delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSMSGS" This key is implemented.
◆18. Keep the desktop settings unchanged at each startup
Open the registry editor and find the HKEY_CURRENT_USERS\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polices\Explorer subkey branch. Find NoSaveSettings below it, change its key value to "0", or delete the key value item directly.
◆19. Run the Defrag (disk cleaning) program when starting the computer
Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction key, and change the key value to Enable A setting of Y equals on, and a setting of N equals off.
◆20. Clear prefetch files
Regularly delete all files in this folder in the \Windows\prefetch folder of the installation disk.
◆21. Cancel the disk capacity warning
After opening the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer key, double-click the NoLowDiskSpaceChecks key and modify it Set the value to 1 and click OK. If this key value does not exist, create a new DWORD value named NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, set its value to 1 and then "OK".
◆22. Clear the page file (clear virtual memory) when shutting down
Open the "Control Panel", click "Administrative Tools" → "Local Security Policy" → "Local Policy" → "Security Options", double-click the "Shutdown: Clean Virtual Memory Page File" item, click the "Enabled" option in the pop-up menu, and click "OK".