(1) Wet the place with white wine or alcohol first, wait for about ten minutes, and then wipe it with some detergent, and it will be clean;
(2) put the toothpaste on it, rub it, and then wash it with cold water, which must be cold water;
(3) Disinfectant powder, white powder, bagged, cheap and easy to use. They are sold in supermarkets and pharmacies. When the clothes are wet, sprinkle some disinfectant powder on the stained place and leave it for a period of time, and the stains will fall off. If the stain is big, put more powder. When it smells pungent, use another basin to buckle the basin for soaking clothes. After rinsing, it is best to wear gloves when washing. You can use it directly if you are not afraid of burning your hands. If there is still the smell of disinfectant powder after rinsing, soak the clothes in warm water, so that the smell of disinfectant powder is gone.