Go up the mountain, pass the plot, and the fire incident, and get burnt clothes and black pebbles in the wardrobe; go out of the guest room on the first floor to question Luo Qi and the housekeeper, and talk to Yuanshan
Go up to the second floor yourself Use the computer to assemble the evidence in the room:
0. Black pebbles
1. Burnt clothes
After completion, go down to the hall on the first floor and unlock the fire incident.
....After the plot...Bai Bing is killed, talks to Yuanshan and learns about the forensic doctor Ke Qingyao, talks to Ke Qingyao in Genwu, and then goes to Liwu to find Fei Yun Any dialogue. Go back to Genwu and talk to Ke Qingyao... go through the plot... and get the evidence including the ring dagger and the death report about Bai Bing.
...Go through the plot...Go to the lobby on the next floor, talk to Aozora, and get Aozora's action record and testimony. Talk to the butler to get the testimony of the restaurant and dinner time. Enter the restaurant...go through the plot...talk to the chef, go out of the hall, pass by the shrine and get the knife holder, go into the butler's room and talk to him to get a testimony about the murder weapon.
Computer combination of evidence:
0. Exhibit -> Ringed Dagger
1. About the murder weapon -> Dagger
Obtain inference one and solve the source of the murder weapon.
Interview everyone on the second floor to get their testimony about the Taoist priest, talk to the reporter and get the testimony about Bai Bing; finally enter the Yuanshan room, learn about the power outage, get candle clues, go to the murder room and put on the table Go up and get the evidence candle; go downstairs and talk to the housekeeper, go up to the second floor and talk to Yuan Shan in the murder room, and find wax oil on the window sill
Computer combination evidence:
0. Candle
1. Wax Tears
Get inference 2: The candle is lit on the windowsill
Continue to ask everyone, talk to Michelle to get information about the Taoist Priest Testified that he was lustful, talked to Fei Yunfan and got testimony about the relationship between husband and wife, stole and sold cultural relics and lamps; went to the distant mountain room to talk to get clues...through the plot...obtained evidence of blood stains in the murder room (the blood stains were under the bed) p>
Computer combination of evidence:
0. Ringed dagger
1. Inference 2
2. About the scene ->Bloodstains
Then solve the secret room puzzle in mission three.
...After the plot... When you leave the restaurant, don't ask Aozora and the butler first. Go directly to the second floor and talk to everyone. Get their activity testimonials from everyone, and get it from the press office. Activity testimony two about Aozora and activity testimony one about reporters; go downstairs and get activity testimony two about Michelle from the housekeeper; get activity testimony three from Aozora; finally talk to Yuanshan
Computer Combined evidence:
0. (Aozora) Activity Testimony Two
1. (Aozora) Activity Testimony Three
2. (Michelle) Activity Testimony Two
Crack Mission 4 to get the time difference of Taoist Qingkong
Go to the lobby to talk to Qingkong, go upstairs, talk to Michelle, go downstairs, talk to Qingkong again;
...After the plot... Appear in Fei Yunfan's room, have a conversation, and get the sleeping pill bottle as evidence; return to the murder scene, search carefully, and find the stomach pill bottle as evidence
Computer combination of evidence :
0. Stomach medicine bottle
1. Sleeping pill bottle
Draw the conclusion 5 that the stomach medicine bottle and sleeping pill bottle have been exchanged
Go to the crime scene, talk to the housekeeper, and get testimony key one and key two.
Computer combination evidence:
0, Key 1
1, Key 2
Get inference 6: Taoist Qingkong can enter and exit the room
Computer combination of evidence:
0. Inference three
1. Inference four
2. Inference five
3 , Corollary 6
..After the plot...gathered everyone and announced that Taoist Qingkong was the murderer.
The upper part is finished
I rushed for 100 points