First, 2 1 13 ensures that all customers who read your wechat are your 526 1 customers, and then send some product introductions or cases renovated on 4 102. Customers in need 1653 will naturally leave you a message, and you can reply directly in the circle of friends to facilitate chatting.
1, keep pace with the times and keep up with current events: you can talk about current news, (hot) sports, community or * (avoid choosing controversial topics, which may lead to too intense debate)
2, moderately praise each other's clothes or decorations: you can ask each other where to buy, why to buy, how much (joking, don't ask) and so on. When chatting with people you don't know, you must observe carefully.
3. Be good at listening: When chatting, always show concern and interest in each other's topics. For example, if another person says, "They are simply wonderful", you can then ask, "Why?" Or ask, "Where can I try these great things …" If the other person says he is tired, the topic of "tired" will continue. Remember, successful small talk and good relationships are actually very simple, not as far away as you think.
4. Share your experiences with each other: You can share some trivial things in your life, such as losing your keys, finding $65,438+00, or finding a nice new restaurant or a new CD recently. ...
5. Ask the other person what movies or books they have seen recently: The first time I was asked a similar question was at a party. I admit that when I heard this question, I felt that the other party was very artificial, but later on, the topic of books left us both unfinished and very happy. So chatting also needs to try new topics.
6. Talk about TV: Share your favorite TV programs with each other, whether it's a talk show about Shenyang or your favorite sitcom. If you are from Shanghai, tell me about Zhou Libo's Shanghai style. Talking about some popular culture is also a relaxing and interesting topic.
7. Let's talk about what we talked about before: Is the other son still sick? How did you spend your holiday in Hainan Island? If you have a good memory, you can also make chatting easier.
8. Ask some open-ended questions: For example, "How are you?" It's a closed question, which doesn't give the other party a chance to say more. But it is much more effective if the questions are set to be open-ended, such as "What's going on with you and _ _". ; "Hello (_ _ _ can be work-related, family problems, financial investment, etc. )? Remember, anything can be a potential topic. You can even tell the other person that you are not good at chatting with others. You can also ask each other how they can do it so well.
9. Relax: Enjoy chatting, everyone is a very interesting individual! If you combine the above tips and chat with others with interest, then you are not far from success.
10, let nature take its course: If your conversation feels that it is so difficult to push the piano to the top of the mountain, it may be time to start a new topic, or just stop and say nothing for a while. After all, you can't talk to everyone so smoothly and happily.