When one of the members dances irregularly, or can't dance, but can dance, people will help the person who can't dance, help her steal steps together, and practice until she can keep up with the team, because as a team, you are presented as a whole, and you are presented to the audience as a whole, not as a whole. In the meantime, you have to help.
Xue Kong once said in a variety show that Xie Keying can eat very much, because she is a snack, and he can eat four or five boxes of lunch alone. During this period, they also had many loving moments. For example, Yaoyao likes to eat their party, which is very funny. He will feel very happy and have a lot of food when he waits for takeout. The other is that we know that there is Esther Yu in this team. As a small expert, Esther Yu can sometimes be outspoken, but as a team, they can also be tolerant. In this way, Esther Yu will avoid other differences in the team, or, oh, different opinions.