The source "Zhuangzi Grand Master": "Spring is dry, fish is on land, it is better to forget each other."
Two fish were trapped in the rut. In order to survive, two small fish feed each other with water in their mouths. Such a scene may be touching, but such a living environment is abnormal and even helpless. For fish, the ideal situation is that the sea will eventually flood and the two fish will finally return to their own world. Finally, they forgot each other in the rivers and lakes. In their most suitable place, live happily, forget each other and forget life.
Fish that can be forgotten may be the happiest. And what if one of them cannot be forgotten?
Maybe the same is true of people and feelings.
Sometimes, in order to survive, it is necessary and helpless to care for each other.
"Caring for each other" may be very touching; And "rivers and lakes forget each other" is a realm, which may require an open and indifferent attitude.
Being able to forget and give up is also a kind of happiness.