Current location - Quotes Website - Signature design - Reward ~ ~ the file name in the computer.
Reward ~ ~ the file name in the computer.
ITI pulse tracking system equipment

Its pulse tracking system sampling, Internet file location.

File formats used in in open inventor

Files with IVD exceeding 20/20 microdata dimension or variable level.

User subset profile with IVP over 20/20

Table or set data file with IVT over 20/20

IVX exceeds 20/20 microdata directory file

I idle a screen saver.

Observation document of intelligent completion installation

-I ...

J62 Ricoh camera format

JAR Java archive files (compressed files of applet and related files)

JAVA Java source file

JBF paint shop professional image browsing file


JMP SAS JMPDiscovery table statistics file

JN 1 Jill of the epic jungle data file

JPE, JPEG, JPG JPEG graphic files

JS javascript source file

JSP HTML page, which contains references to Java servlet.

JTF JPEG bitmap file

- K -

K25 Kurzweil 2500 sampling file

KAR karaoke midi file (text +MIDI)

KDC Kodak optical intensifier

Key data CAD icon toolbar file

KoFak Kofak Group 4 Image File

Kodak digital postcard file

KKW RoboHELP helps all keywords starting with K that have nothing to do with the topic in the Engineering Index Designer.

Korg korger three-one key mapping file

KQP Konica camera local file

KR 1 Kurzweil 2000 sampling (multiple floppy disk drives) file

KRZ Kurzweil 2000 sampling file

Korg korger Sany Sampling Document

KYE Kye game data

-Me? ...

LAB Visual dBASE label file

LBM luxury paint bitmap file

LBX LBT Microsoft FoxPro markup file

LDB Microsoft Access lock file

Lldcorel paradox distribution library

LEG legacy document

LES Logitech entertainment system game configuration file (same as REC file)

Lofting file of LFT 3D Studio (DOS)

Logo file of LGO brush (Microsoft drawing application)

LHA LZH change file suffix

LIB library file

LIN data CAD linear file

Output file generated by LIS Structured Query Report (SQR) program.

LLX Laplink switching agent

LNK Windows shortcut file

Log log file

LPD screw nut and bolt file

LRC Intel videophone file

Library documents preserved by file Corell paradox

LSP AutoLISP, CommonLISP and other LISP language files.

LST list file

Find the library unit file

Miners' Descent /D2 Horizontal Expansion with LVL Parallax Software

Light wave layered object file

LWOB light wave target file

LWP lotus WordPro 96/97 file

LWSC light wave visual file

LYR data CAD layer file

LZH left arc compressed file

Lzsky road data file

-Me? ...

M 1V MPEG related files (MIME“MPEG "type)

M3D Corel Motion 3D animation file

M3U MPEG URL(MIME sound file)

MAC MacPaint image file

MAD Microsoft Access module file

MAF Microsoft Access form file

Graphic file format found by MAG in some Japanese files.

MAGIC Magic mail monitor profile

MAK Visual Basil or Microsoft Visual C++ engineering file

Mammmsoftaccess macro

MAN UNIX man page output

Map mapping file; Duke Nukem 3D WAD game file

MAQ Microsoft Access query file

Mark Microsoft Access report file

Maslotus freeform graphics smartmaster file

MAT Microsoft Access table; 3D Studio MAX material library

MAUD MAUD sampling format

MAX Kinetx's 3DStudio MAX file; This format is used for 3D scene files; Paperport file; OrCAD design file

MAZ hovering lost data; The file format used by the department's dVS/dVISE.

MB 1 apogee monster Bash data file

MBOX Berkeley Unix mailbox format

MBX Microsoft Outlook saves the mail format; Eudora mailbox

Mcdell r 10 calling card

MCP Metrowerks CodeWarrior engineering file

MCR DataCAD keyboard macro file

MCW Microsoft Word Macintosh document

MDA Microsoft Access internal extractor; Workgroup events in Microsoft Access and later versions.

MDB Microsoft Access database

Microsoft Access MDE file

MDL digital tracker music module (mod) file; Quake module file

MDN Microsoft Access empty database template

MDW Microsoft Access workgroup file

MDZ Microsoft Access wizard template file

MED music editor, octal music module (mod) file.

Merge spreadsheet/database data exchange formats; Software such as FileMaker and Excel can identify it.

MET stands for management metafile.

MFG Pro/ENGINEER manufacturing documents

File format of MGF in materials and geometry

MHTM, mhtmlmmhtml document (MIME)

MI miscellaneous

MIC Microsoft Image Composer file

MIDI music metaphase

Mif adobe framemaker exchange format

Machine-independent format file

MIM, MIME, MME Internet mail extension format multipurpose files are often created as attachments in AOL when sending emails; Files in multi-zone MIM files can be opened by WinZip or other similar programs.

MLI 3D studio material library format file

MMF meal main format; Prescription format; Microsoft mail file

MMG exceeds 20/20 table or assembly data file

MMM Microsoft Multimedia Movies

MMP mind map or mind manager file

Mn2ddescent 2 task file

MND, MNI· Mandelbort

MNG multi-image network graphics

MNT, MNX Microsoft FoxPro menu file

MNU visual dBASE menu file; Intel system interactive menu file

MOD fast tracker, star trek, noise tracker (etc. ) music module file; Microsoft multi-plan spreadsheet; Amiga/PC track file

MOV QuickTime for Windows movies

MP2 layer 2 MPEG audio file

MP3 layer 3 MPEG audio file

MPA MPEG related files, MIME“MPEG type "

MPE, MPEG, MPG MPEG animation files

Microsoft engineering documents; CAD drawing file format

Microsoft FoxPro Menu (Compiled)

MRI MRI scan file

MSA magic shadow file

MSDL· Manchester's scene description language

MSG Microsoft mail

MSI Windows installer package

MSN Microsoft network documentation; Descending task file

MSP Microsoft Paint bitmap file; Windows Installer path file

MST Windows installer transfers files.

MTM multi-tracker music module (mod) file

MUL Ultima online

MUS music

MUS 10 music

MVB Microsoft multimedia browser file

MWP Lotus WordPro 97 Intelligent Master File


NAN nano mirror file (original gray scale)

NAP NAP metafile

NCB Microsoft Developer Studio file

NCD· Norton changes the directory

NCF NetWare command file; Lotus Notes internal shearing board

NDO three-dimensional low polygon modeling, Nendo

Network public data table

NFF neutral file format

NFT Network Object Fusion Template File

NIL Norton cursor library file (EasyIcons compatible)

Nist sphere sound

NLB Oracle 7 data

NLM NetWare loadable module

National language support files used by NLS for localization (for example, Uniscape)

NLU Norton updates email trigger file in real time.

NOD network object fusion file

NS2 Lotus Notes Database (2nd Edition)

NSF Lotus Notes database

NSO network object fusion document file

NST noise tracker music module (mod) file

NTF Lotus Notes database template

NTX CA-Clipper index file

NWC's noteworthy composer song archives

NWS Microsoft Outlook Express News Mail (MIME RFC822)

Used as the final vowel in the compound form.

O0 1 typhoon sound file

OBD Microsoft office binder

OBJ target file

OBZ Microsoft Office binder wizard

OCX Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding Custom Controls

ODS Microsoft Outlook Express mailbox file

Turn off the 3D mesh object file format.

OFN Microsoft Office file new file

OFT Microsoft Outlook template

OKT Oktalyzer music module (mod) file

OLB OLE object library

OLE OLE object

OOGL object-oriented graphics library

OPL organizer programming language source file -PSION/Symbian

Opopopl output executable file

Select the Microsoft Developer Studio file.

OPX OPL extension DLL (dynamic link library)

OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 file

OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 Document

ORA Oracle 7 configuration file

ORC Oracle 7 script file

ORG Lotus organizer file

OSS Microsoft Office find file

OST Microsoft Exchange/Outlook offline files

OTL super note template file

OUT C language output file

- P -

P 10 Tektronix Plot 10 drawing document

P3 Chunhua Project Planning Document.

P65 PageMaker 6.5 file

P7C digital id file (MIME)

PAB Microsoft personal address book

Pacsb studio ⅱ software package

WAD file of Pakistan earthquake

PAL compressed file

Part of it! Zilla partial download file

PAS Pascal source code

PAT DataCAD filling pattern file; CorelDRAW mode; Advanced gravity ultrasonic /Forte technology: debris file

PBD PowerBuilder dynamic library, as a substitute for local DLL.

Peak bank documents of PBF turtle beach

PBK Microsoft phone book (phone book)

PBL is used in PowerBuilder dynamic library in PowerBuilder development environment.

PBM exportable bitmap

PBR PowerBuilder resources

Kodak photos-CD images; P-Code compiler test script, tested by Microsoft and Microsoft Visual.

DOS file name of PCE map Eudora mailbox name

PCL HP printer control language file (printer standby bitmap)

PCM sound file format; PCM format of OKI MSM6376 synthesis chip

PCP Symantec updates professional files in real time.

PCS picture animation file

PCT Macintosh PICT drawing file

PCX Zsoft PC brush bitmap

PDB 3Com PalmPilot database file

PDD can be a graphic image opened with Paint Shop Pro or other image processing software.

PDF Adobe Acrobat can export document format files (which can be displayed in a Web browser); Microsoft system management server package definition file; NetWare printer definition file

Print shop luxury file of PDP Broderbund

General Barton Patton flower chart PDQ Lite file

PDS photographic image file (the source of this file format is unclear)

PF Aladdin system encrypts private files.

PFA Type 1 font (ASC)

PFB 1 font (binary)

PFC PF component

Font size of PFM printer

PGD is a pretty good privacy (PGP) virtual disk file.

PGL HP plotter drawing file

PGM can output grayscale images (bitmaps).

PGP uses the Good Privacy (PGP) algorithm to encrypt files.

PH temporary file generated by Microsoft help file compiler

PHP, PHP3 contains HTML pages with PHP scripts.

PHTML contains HTML pages with PHP scripts; HTML for Perl analysis and interpretation

PIC PC draws bitmap; Lotus pictures; Macintosh PICT drawing

PICT Macintosh graphic file

Program information file; IBM PIF drawing file

The dark side is part of the art of Lucas Pig.

PIN Epic pinball data file

PIX built-in system bitmap

PJ MKS source integrity file

PJT PJX Microsoft Visual FoxPro engineering file

PKG Microsoft Developer Studio application extension (similar to DLL file)

Public key ring of PKR PGP

PL Perl program

PLG file format used by END386/ Avril Lavigne.

PLI Autodesk animation

PLI Oracle 7 data description

Plm sorter tracker 2 module

PLS disorder tracker 2 sampling file; MPEG playlist file (used by WinAmp)

Drawing file of PLT HPGL plotter; AutoCAD plot drawing file; Garbo logo making software

PM5 Pagemaker 5.0 file

PM6 Pagemaker 6.0 file

PNG portable network graphics bitmap; Paint Shop Pro browser directory

PNT, PNTG MacPaint graphic file

Pogddescent 2 pig file extension

Polling Windows NT policy files

Pop up visual dBASE pop-up file

POT Microsoft Powerpoint module

Persistence of POV video ray tracker

PP4 picture publisher 4 bitmap

PPA Microsoft Powerpoint interpolator

PPF Turtle Beach Peak Plan Document

PPM portable pixel mapping bitmap

PPP Parsons Power Press; Serif PagePlus desktop publishing default output

PPS Microsoft Powerpoint slide show

PPT Microsoft Powerpoint presentation

PQI PowerQuest driver image file

Prc3com palmpeltt resource (text or program) file

Lotus's previous freelance demonstration

PRF Windows system file, Macromedia director settings file.

PRG dBASE Clipper and FoxPro program source files; WAVmaker program

PRJ 3D Studio (DOS) Project File

PRN print form (text separated by spaces); DataCAD Windows printer file

Engineering documents saved by PRP· Oberson's Prospero data conversion products.

PRS Harvard Graphics Windows Presentation File

PRT prints formatted files; Pro/ENGINEER component file

PRV PsiMail Internet provider template file

PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97 File

PS Postscript format file (PostScript printer readable file)

PSB Peak Voice Bank

PSD Adobe photoshop bitmap file

Telepathy A-law sound file

PSM Protracker Studio model format; Source data file of epic game

PSP Paint Shop Pro image file

PST Microsoft Outlook personal folder file

PTD Pro/ENGINEER form file

PTM Polytracker music module (mod) file

PUB Ventura Publisher publications; Microsoft Publisher document

PWD Microsoft pocket Word document

PWL Windows 95 password list file

PWP Photoworks image files (a series of files that can be browsed by Photoworks)

PWZ Microsoft Powerpoint wizard

PXL Microsoft pocket Excel spreadsheet

PY email from Yahoo; Python script file

PYC Python script file


QAD PF QuickArt document

QBW Windows file QuickBooks

QD3D Apple's QuickDraw 3D metafile format

QDT QuickBooks data file from quickuk, account/tax/inventory program.

QFL family lawyer documents

QIC Microsoft backup file

QIF QuickTime related images (MIME); Accelerate the import of files

QLB express library

QM quality action document

QRY Microsoft query file

QST seismic spy tag file

QT, QTM QuickTime movie

QTI, QTIF QuickTime related images

QTP QuickTime priority file

QTS Mac PICT image file; QuickTime related images

QTX QuickTime related images

QW Symantec q&a. Write program file

QXD Quark XPress file

- R -

R Pegasus mail resource file

RA RealAudio sound file

RAM RealAudio metafile

Rarar compressed file (Eugene Roshall format)

Raster sun raster image bitmap

RAW original file format (bitmap); PCM data identified by Raw

RBH RBH file maintained by RoboHELP, which is added to the information of the help project file.

RDF resource description framework file (involving XML and metadata)

RDL lineage registration level file

REC recorder macro; RapidComm sound file

REG registry file

Visual database report file

RES Microsoft Visual C++ resource file

RFT modifiable form text (part of IBM's DCA or document content framework structure)

RGB and SGI silicon graphics RGB files

Rl2ddescent 2 registration level file

RLE run coding bitmap

RM RealAudio video file

RMD Microsoft RegMaid document

RMF rich map format (used by 3D game editors to save maps)

RMI M 1D 1 music

Rom-based home game simulator files on the cassette (the Roms on the cassettes such as Atari 2600, Colecovision, Sega and Nintendo are completely copied and cannot be modified between the two simulators).

ROV rescue rover data file

RPM RedHat package manager package (for Linux)

RPT Microsoft Visual Basic Crystal report file

The RRS ace game of file preservation runs wild

Paradox 7 RSL Borland's Report

RSM WinWay resume writer recovery file

RTF rich text format document

RTK RoboHELP is used to simulate the search function of Windows help.

RTM Real Tracker music module (mod) file

RTSL document of RTS RealAudio; RoboHELP speeds up complicated work.

Extensions used by RUL InstallShield

RVP Microsoft scan profile (MIME)

RAR compressed file on Rxx multi-volume file (XX = 1 a number between 99)


Assembly source code file

S3i stream tracker v3 device

Audio module file of S3M StreamTracker V3

SAM Ami professional documents; 8-bit sampling data

SAV game save file

SB original signed byte (8 bits) data

Bank documents of Soundfont 1.0 of SBK Creative Lab; (soundblaster)/emuso * * fontv1.xbank file.

SBL shock wave Flash object file

SC2 Microsoft Schedule+7 file format; SAS directory (Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Mac)

SC3 Simcity 3000 saved game files.

SCC Microsoft source code security file

SCD Matrix/Imapro SCODL slide image; Microsoft Timetable +7

SCF Windows explorer command file

SCH Microsoft Schedule+ 1

SCI ScanVec Inspire local file format

SCN Real Space 2 Scene File

SCP dial-up network script file

SCR Windows screen saver; Fax image; Script file

SCT SAS directory (dos); Scitex CT bitmap; Microsoft FoxPro form

SCT0 1 SAS directory (UNIX)

SCV ScanVec CASmate local file format

SCX Microsoft FoxPro form file

SD sound designer 1 sound file

SD2 Sound Designer 2 flattening file/data fork instruction; SAS database (Windows 95/NT, OS/2, Mac)

SDF system data file format-traditional Unisys(Sperry) format.

Sdk Roland s series floppy disk image

SDL intelligent drawing library file

SDR intelligent drawing drawing file

SDS original Midi sample dump standard file

SDT SmartDraw template

SDV semicolon-delimited value file

SDW lotus WordPro graphic file; Original signed doubleword (32 bits) data

SDX compressed SDX Midi sample dump standard file

SEA self-extracting file (Stufflt for Macintosh or other software)

SEP markup image file format (TIFF) bitmap

SES Cool Editing Session File (General Data Sound Editor File)

SF IRCAM sound file format

SF2 Emu Soundfont v2.0 file; Creative Labs Soundfont 2.0 bank documents (sound blaster)

SFD SoundStage sound file data

SFI studio sound file information

Sample resources of SFR sonic casting

San Francisco Seattle movie project (damaged JPEG)

SFX RAR self-extracting file

Standard Generalized Markup Language

Show Corell performance show; Document shortcut file

SHG hotspot bitmap

SHP 3D studio (DOS) shape file; It is used by some applications for 3D modeling of multi-part interactive triangle model.

SHS shell waste file; It is used to send "password thieves"

SHTML contains an HTML file with server-side inclusion (SSI).

Show Corell performance demonstration

Signature symbol file

StuffIt archive file of SIT Mac

SIZ Oracle 7 configuration file


SKL Macromedia director resource file

Save the layout extension of SL PACT.

SLB Autodesk Slide Library File Format

SLD Autodesk slide file format

SLK symbolic link (SYLK) spreadsheet

SM3 data CAD logo file

Visual format of SMP samples; Temporary gold sample file

SND next sound; Mac sound resources; Original unsigned PCM data; AKAI MPC series sampling files

SNDR detector sound file

SNDT Sndtool sound file

SOU SB Studio sound

Voice data file

SPL shock wave flash object; DigiTrakker sampling

Sound sampling

Bitmap format of elf acorn

SQC Structured Query Language (SQR) Universal Code File

SQL InFORMix SQL query; File extensions (script, text, binary) commonly used by database products for SQL queries.

SQR structured query language (SQR) program file

Solid state disk SAS database (DOS)

SSDO 1 SAS data set (UNIX)

Spreadsheet file for SSF

ST Atari ST disk image

STL stereolithography file

Short suffix form of STM. Shtml, which contains an html file with server-side inclusion (SSI); Scream Tracker V2 Music Module (MOD) file