Update method:
Open the terminal first.
Application-> Accessories-> terminal
This is accessed by opening the terminal.
sudo CP/etc/apt/sources . list/etc/apt/sources . list _ backup
You will be asked to enter your password, and all you have to do is enter it. Be careful not to display the number of password digits during input. Don't mistake it for not typing and then typing.
This command is used to back up the current signal source list so that it can be restored in the future if necessary.
Then enter.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
This will open your text editor, delete everything and paste the following.
This is the European source of 8.04 I used.
Deb /ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse
Deb/Ubuntu hardy- Secure Main Restricted Universe Multiuniverse
Deb/Ubuntu hardy- Update the multiverse of the main restricted universe
Deb /ubuntu hardy-backports Main Restricted Universe Multiuniverse
Deb /ubuntu hardy's Main Restricted Universe Multiuniverse
Deb-src /ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse
Deb-src/Ubuntu hardy- Secure Main Restricted Universe Multiuniverse
Deb-src/Ubuntu hardy- Update the multiverse of the main restricted universe
Deb-src /ubuntu hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
Deb-src /ubuntu hardy's multiverse with Main Restricted Universe
These are updated websites. You can find a more suitable and faster update source online according to your network.
After pasting, save and update the source configuration.
You can try other sources.
/s? wd=Ubuntu+%B8%FC%D0%C2%D4%B4
You can also search according to your version.
If the update source is good, the graphics card driver can be easily updated automatically. You can check the missing hardware and then download and install it automatically. Do it.