Title (small number 2 in bold)
Research team members: (small 4 in italics and bold) Names (you can add classes in front of the team leader, number 4 in italics)
Instructor: (Italics, small 4 size, bold) Name (Italic, small 4 size, bold)
Topic selection background: (Song style, small 4 size, bold)
Research Purpose: (Song font size 4 in Song font, bold)
Research steps: (Song font in Song font, size 4 bold)
Research results: (Song font in Song font, size 4 bold)
Research method: (Song font size 4 bold)
Text: (Song font size 4 bold)
Subtitle (Song font size 4)
Project summary: (Song font size 4, bold)
Research experience: (Song font, size 4 bold)