The sample code is as follows
# Contains? & ltiostream & gt
# Contains? & ltjni.h & gt
# Contains? & ltwindows.h & gt
# Contains? & ltcstring & gt
# Contains? & ltdirect.h & gt
Use? Namespace? std
# Definition? Dylan? 10000
char*? GetJrepath(int? Bit);
int? CallJAR(int? BIT,char*buf,char*classPath,char * function name);
int? main(int? argc,? Charles? *argv[])
Charles? *? buff? =? New? char[DIRLEN];
strcat(buff," \ \ lib \ \ support . jar ");
What if? (argc & lt3)
Cout < < "wrong input parameter";
Return? 0;
int? Bit? =? 32;
If (! strcmp(argv[2]," 64 "))
Bit? =? 64? ;
//-30? No jre environment installed? -3 1? Failed to create jvm? -32? Related libraries are missing.
What if? (! strcmp(argv[ 1]," 0 "))
//-20? Configuration file error? -2 1? JSON exception
Return? CallJAR(BIT,buff," com/run/Author "," start Author ");
Or what? If (! strcmp(argv[ 1]," 1 "))
Return? CallJAR(BIT,buff," com/run/UpdateStatus "," UpdateStatus 1 ");
Or what? If (! strcmp(argv[ 1]," 2 "))
Return? CallJAR(BIT,buff," com/run/SendMsg_webchinese "," send SMS ");
Return? CallJAR(BIT,buff," com/run/UpdateStatus "," UpdateANDSMS ");
char*? GetJrepath(int? Bit)
# Definition? MYBUFF? 123
HKEY? hKey
Dragon? lRet
char*? dir? =? New? char[my buff];
DWORD? dwBufLen? =? MYBUFF
char*? s? =? New? char[my buff];
If (bit? ==? 64)
strcpy(s," SOFTWARE \ \ wow 6432 node \ \ Java soft \ \ Java? Runtime? Environment \ \ ";
strcpy(s," SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java? Runtime? Environment \ \ ";
lRet? =? RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE,
Text ((TCHAR*)s),
Keyword query value,
& amphKey);
if(lRet! = Error _ Success)
Return? NULL
lRet? =? RegQueryValueEx(hKey,
Text ((TCHAR*) "current version"),
& ampdwBufLen);
if(lRet! = Error _ Success)
Return? NULL
lRet? =? RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE,
Text ((TCHAR*)s),
Keyword query value,
& amphKey);
if(lRet! = Error _ Success)
Return? NULL
dwBufLen? =? MYBUFF
lRet? =? RegQueryValueEx(hKey,
Text ((TCHAR *)“runtime lib "),
& ampdwBufLen);
if(lRet! = Error _ Success)
Return? NULL
Return? dir
int? CallJAR(int? BIT,char*buf,char*classPath,char*functionName)
typedef? Quint? (WINAPI? *PFunCreateJavaVM)(JavaVM? **,? Invalid? **,? Invalid? *); ?
int? res?
JavaVMInitArgs? vm _ args?
JavaVMOption? Option [3]; ?
JavaVM? * jvm?
JNIEnv? * env?
int? Ryan. =strlen("-Djava.class.path=。 ;" )+strlen(buf)+20;
char*? Temporary workers? =? New? char[len];
strcpy(temp,"-Djava.class.path=。 ;" );
/* Set initialization parameters */?
//Disabled? JIT, this is the explanation in JNI document. Isn't the specific meaning clear? It is not clear which values can be taken. ?
//From the sample code given in the JNI document?
Option [0]. optionString? =? "-DJ ava . compiler = NONE "; ?
//Set the classpath. If the program uses a third-party JAR package, can it also be included in it?
Option [1]. optionString? =? Temperature; ?
//Set the type of displayed message. These values are gc, class and jni. If more than one message is selected at a time, these values are separated by commas, such as -verbose:gc, class?
//This parameter can be used to observe the process of C++ calling JAVA. After setting this parameter, the program will print the call information on the standard output device?
Option [2]. optionString? =? "-Detailed: None"; ?
//Set the version number, including JNI _ version _ 1_ 1, JNI _ version _ 1_2, JNI _ version _ 1_4?
//Just select the latest version number of the JRE version you installed, but your JRE version must be equal to or higher than the specified version number?
vm_args.version? =? JNI _ Version _1_ 4; ?
vm _ args.nOptions? =? 3; ?
vm_args.options? =? Options; ?
//This parameter specifies whether nonstandard parameters are ignored. If JNI_FLASE is filled, JNI_CreateJavaVM will return JNI_ERR when it encounters nonstandard parameters.
vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized? =? JNI _ Really; ?
//Load JVM.DLL dynamic library?
HINSTANCE? hInstance? =? * load the library (GetJrepath(BIT));); ?
What if? (hInstance? ==? NULL)?
Return? -30; ?
//get the JNI_CreateJavaVM function pointer inside?
PFunCreateJavaVM? funCreateJavaVM? =? (PFunCreateJavaVM)::GetProcAddress(h instance," JNI _ CreateJavaVM "); ?
//Call JNI_CreateJavaVM to create a virtual machine?
res? =? (*funCreateJavaVM)。 jvm,? (void * *)& amp; env,? & ampVM _ args); ?
What if? (res? & lt? 0)?
Return? -3 1; ?
//Find the test. Demonstrates a class and returns the class object of a JAVA class.
jclass? cls? =? env->; FindClass (classpath); ?
//Get an instance of a class according to its class object?
What if? (cls==0)
printf("FindClass? Failed \ n ");
(JVM)-& gt; DestroyJavaVM(); ?
Return? -32;
job object? obj? =? env->; alloc object(cls); ?
//Get the methods in the class. The last parameter is the signature of the method, through javap? -s? -p? -Classpath? Path? filename
jmethodID? mid? =? env->; GetMethodID(cls,functionName,"()I "); ?
What if? (mid==0)
printf("getMethodID? Failed \ n ");
(JVM)-& gt; DestroyJavaVM(); ?
Return? -32;
//Construct parameters and call the method of the object?
jstring? MSG? =? (jstring)? env->; CallObjectMethod(obj,mid); ?
//Destroy the virtual machine and release the dynamic library?
JVM-& gt; DestroyJavaVM(); ?
* free library (Hinstance); ?
Return? (int)msg;