2. Headphones can sing superstars, but the effect is poor.
3. Sound card settings ac97 sound card and HD sound card are slightly different for the same reason:
Volume control includes waveform volume, total volume, microphone volume, CD volume, etc. A that represents the sound played through speakers or headphones and the volume and sound collection device. Simply put, volume control is the sound you hear.
The content of recording control includes stereo mixing, CD volume, microphone volume, line volume and so on. In fact, the real meaning of recording control is what channel to use for sound output. The sound output here refers to the output to the network or external devices or programs, such as chat rooms and other network tools, or recording equipment, recording software, etc.
Which items will be displayed in this window? Check the items in the white box below the option properties.
Meaning of each item in the volume control window:
Master volume: the total volume of the sound card.
Waveform: music volume
Software synthesizer: soft effect plug-in volume
Front: Front speaker volume
Rear: Rear speaker volume
Subwoofer: surround speaker volume
Center: Center speaker volume
Side: the volume of the side speaker (for 7. 1 speaker)
SPDIF: Digital Interface Volume Control
Front green input: front panel green jack input.
Blue input on the back: blue jack input on the back panel.
Front pink input: front panel pink jack input.
Rear gray input: gray jack input on the rear panel.
Orange input on the back: orange jack input on the back panel.
Rear black input: rear panel black jack input.
Green input on the back: green jack input on the back panel.
The above set of items indicates that the microphone volume is controlled by the input item of which jack the microphone is inserted. For example, if a microphone is plugged into a pink jack on the front panel, the pink input item on the front is the microphone. Similarly, if you plug it into the blue jack on the back panel, the blue input item on the back is the microphone.
The meaning of each item in record control:
Stereo mixing: Stereo mixing refers to the mixing of all sounds, that is, the mixing of sounds emitted by computers.
CD volume: output sound directly from CD, rarely used. After all, who listens to CDs now?
Line volume: an option to output sound from an input device, such as a sound card connected to a digital mixer. This option can collect sound signals directly from the mixer.
Microphone: Collect microphone sound and output it.
Except for stereo mixing, other options are to collect the sound of a single device and output it.
Sound setting principle: (it is very important, and most sound cards will be set after understanding)
When the microphone is selected in the recording control window, only the sound collected by the microphone will be output. So at this time, you can only hear voices, but you can't hear singing. When stereo mixing is selected for recording control, all sounds in the computer will be mixed and output. So you can hear the sound of singing.
When choosing a stereo mix, which sounds will be mixed, and how to adjust the volume of each channel sound added to the mix? At this time, it is adjusted through the volume control interface. In the volume control interface, devices with mute selected will not collect sound and mix it. The sound collected by different channels is adjusted by each item of volume control. Therefore, if the microphone is mute at this time, you can only play songs and hear nothing, and the adjustment of the volume of the waveform and the volume of the microphone also determines the contrast between the two volumes in the mixed sound. For example, if the music is loud, you should turn down the volume of the waveform. The total volume output after mixing the two is controlled by the volume of stereo mixing.
Familiar with the above principles, any operating system can set up any sound card in the same way.