It is very difficult to make a vivid greeting card by hand. We can download some beautiful picture materials from the Internet. After downloading some pictures in advance, in word 2, click Insert → Pictures → From File, then find the location of the picture file, and finally click OK. Repeat twice and insert all three pictures. Then select these pictures, right-click and select Format Pictures, resize the pictures in the Size tab, and select Surrounding in the Layout item.
2. Insert WordArt
Open Insert → Picture → WordArt in turn, and the WordArt library dialog box will pop up. Select a style, enter Happy New Year, select WordArt, and adjust the color and size in the WordArt toolbar. Also insert the "happy new year" wordart.
3. Insert text box and content
Click Insert → Text box → Horizontal Layout, then drag out a text box with the mouse, enter the words "I wish you a smooth progress in your study in the new year", and set the font, font size and color for these words. Right-click the text box and set it to wireless bar color and no fill color in Format Text Box.
fourth, adjust the position of the objects
we also need to adjust them to the appropriate position. First, take the picture of "girl on a bicycle" as the background of the greeting card, select it and right-click it to choose "Stacking Order →" Put it on the bottom ",and then you can drag other objects onto the background picture.
5. Set the monkey picture as transparent color and combine all the objects
In Figure 3, we can see that there is white beside the monkey, which is not in harmony with the background color. We select the picture, select "Set Transparent Color" in the Picture toolbar, and then click on the white part with the mouse
. Then use the mouse with the shift key to select all the objects, click the right mouse button and select Combine → Combine to combine all the objects into a whole.
VI. Save in picture format
At present, the work still exists in word document format, so it should be converted into picture format. Click Save As web Page under the File menu, select the location to save, name it Works, and click OK. Find the saved file, and you will find a folder named "Works. files" and open it. There is a picture file in gif format in it, which is your New Year greeting card.