Curry's three-point shooting rate So what's the secret of Curry that makes him have such a high shooting rate? Curry's trainer revealed the secret. He said that Curry has a habit, that is, after every team training, he will train for three-point shooting, and the requirement is to hit 30 shots in a row.
This means that if he doesn't hit 30 in a row, Curry can't finish training. From the first few minutes, it took Curry only a few minutes to complete the task of 30 consecutive shots. Therefore, it can be seen from Curry's training that Curry can become the top shooter in the league, which is related to his being so "hard" to himself.
It is true that sometimes you are not hard on yourself, and you don't even know what kind of person you can be. In fact, as a player without strong physical fitness, Curry can become the top superstar in the league because Curry spends more time on training.
I believe that there are many players with higher physical talents than Curry in the NBA, but these players failed to make achievements, which may be largely due to lack of hard training. However, it is worth mentioning that each player has his own talent, and only by working hard in the right direction can he succeed. For example, a well-defended player can't succeed if he trains his offensive skills every day.