Personal signature, maybe you have multiple personal signatures and use different personal signatures in different places and occasions, but what I want to tell you today is that your personal signature should be fixed. Don't change your personal signature every day.
The practical function of personal signature lies in: as a representative of personal identity, it is required to have a relatively fixed writing method of personal signature name, which can reflect your own personality characteristics and has strong anti-counterfeiting function, making it difficult for people to steal and imitate. Can be suitable for all kinds of occasions and tools to write, write freely, conveniently and smoothly. The fundamental attribute of signature is practicality, and even the ugliest signature has its social attribute.
The first Chinese character that many people learn to write is probably their own name. With the growth of age, there are more and more opportunities to write one's name. I have to write the physical examination form for the entrance examination, my new book, messages and letters for teachers and classmates. When I grow up, my name will be used as proof of my identity, and I will write it on various documents, contracts and agreements, but the name I wrote at that time is called signature or signature.
There are several requirements for personal signature:
The artistic conception beauty of personal signature is developed on the basis of the first two kinds of beauty. Artistic signature can show a rich spiritual world with lyrical, figurative lines and endless changes in composition, and become a symbol of its personality. With concise line modeling, complex artistic conception and interest can be expressed, so that viewers can abstractly generate beautiful associations with all things in nature and enjoy all kinds of beauty. This is the source that calligraphy can become a unique artistic style, and it is also the artistic beauty that artistic signatures should pursue. Only in this way can artistic signatures glow with great vitality.
The beauty of lines of personal signature is the foundation of the beauty of modeling. Only when the lines form a perfect whole according to aesthetic principles can the artistic signature be finally completed. The aesthetic principle of signature, also known as the formal law of signature beauty, is that points and lines are arranged and combined under the guidance of Chinese character writing law, and the viewpoint and cultivation of abstract beauty are appealed to the viewer, so that it can be visually eye-catching, concise and complete. As a marginal art category between calligraphy and graphic design, artistic signature. Its line combination must also follow the following aesthetic principles: wholeness and echo, change and unity, contrast and harmony, symmetry and balance, proportion and moderation, rhythm and rhythm, etc., which may have aesthetic value.
The beauty of composition of personal signature. In China's calligraphy, the beauty of the whole and the echo of strokes are very important. And change and unity are the general rules of formal beauty in design. Art signature is a new art category between China's calligraphy and graphic design.
The line beauty of personal signature Personal signature is a typical line art, and its artistic language is point and line-an artistic point and line that is meaningful, expressive and can convey the signer's "heart". Any line that can give people a sense of beauty is a powerful line. This kind of strength, called "pen power" in calligraphy, is the aesthetic standard of calligraphy lines, and it is also applicable to the evaluation standard of the beauty of signature lines. It generally does not appear as a single straight line or curve, but as a group of lines.
The practical function of personal signature lies in its application. If a good personal signature is not used, it is useless. However, attention should be paid to the occasion when it is used. The quality of personal signature design can also be seen through the above articles.