1.Adobe Reader users cannot save the form.
Rdader users must be able to save form data in Acrobat Pro software.
Usually, Reader users can't save copies of their completed forms. However, you can extend permissions to Reader users so that they can do so. These extended rights also include the functions of adding comments, using the "Typewriter" tool and digitally signing in PDF.
Operating steps:
Open a single PDF, or select one or more pdfs in a pdf package.
Select advanced > Adobe Reader extensions.
The priority of these extensions is limited to the current PDF. If you have created a different PDF form and want Reader users to be able to save a filled-in copy of the PDF, you must perform this task again.
2. The problem of form submission
A. the correct steps to create a form submission:
(1) choose form > add or edit field, then select button from the add new field list and create a button.
(2) Please double-click this button to open the button properties dialog box.
Click the Actions tab, and then select Mouse Release from the Select Trigger menu.
(3) Select the Submit Form from the Select Action menu, and then click Add.
(4) Please enter an item in "Enter the URL of this link" in the "Submit Form Options" dialog box.
To send the form data to a network server, enter the destination URL.
To send form data to an email address, enter mailto: followed by the email address. For example, enter mailto:nobody@adobe.com.
(5) Make other changes to the available options and click OK to close the dialog box.
(6) Change the settings on other tabs in the button properties dialog box as needed, and then click Close.
In Acrobat 8 or later, you can use the distribution wizard of livecycle designers to send a PDF form to multiple recipients.
B. Why can't I submit a form in Adobe Reader?
The reason why you can't save a copy is the same as above. As long as you start the extension function of Adobe Reader, you should be able to use it normally.