1. Pictures have the following formats:
1. BMP format
Bitmap (foreign language abbreviation: BMP, foreign language full name: Bitmap), which is a Windows operation A standard image file format in the system that can be supported by a variety of Windows applications.
2. GIF format
Graphics Interchange Format (foreign language abbreviation: GIF, foreign language full name: Graphics Interchange Format), CompuServe, a well-known American online information service organization, aimed at the network transmission bandwidth at that time. Limitations, this GIF image format was developed.
3. JPEG format
The extension of JPEG file is .jpg or .jpeg. Because its compression technology is very advanced, it uses lossy compression to remove redundant images and colors. Data can achieve extremely high compression rates while displaying very rich and vivid images.
4. JPEG2000 format
JPEG 2000 is also developed by the JPEG organization. It has an official name called "ISO 15444". Compared with JPEG, it has higher compression A new generation of still image compression technology with high efficiency and more new features.
5. TIFF format
The tag image file format (abbreviated as TIFF in foreign languages, full name in foreign languages: TagImage?FileFormat) is a widely used image format in Mac. It was jointly developed by Aldus and Microsoft , originally designed out of the need to store scanned images across platforms.
6. PSD format
This is the special format PhotoshopDocument (PSD) of the famous Adobe image processing software Photoshop. It contains various design samples of various layers, channels, masks, etc., so that you can modify the last design the next time you open the file.
7. PNG format
Portable network graphics (referred to as PNG in foreign languages, full name in foreign languages: Portable?Network?Graphics) is an emerging network image format.
8. SWF format
Animated images in this format can express rich multimedia forms in a relatively small size.
9. SVG format
Scalable vector graphics (abbreviated as SVG in foreign languages, full name in foreign languages: Scalable?Vector?Graphics) is based on XML (a subset of the Standard Universal Markup Language). Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium.
2. Format
The "format" in the computer field usually refers to the format of the file, the input and output format of the data, and the transmission format of the data.
For example, ASCII files, binary files, JPG image files, HTML files, EXE files. The file format is a convention for file encoding and file structure, making it easy to distinguish. Just like a key opens a lock, different files require different methods to read, display, write, open or run.