Adidas Y3 Yohji Yamamoto and Pegasus 38 are both good products. We need to have a comprehensive understanding from many aspects.
Y3 shoes are a high-end brand of Adidas. It is a new sportswear brand that Adidas invited Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto to manage. The y stands for Yohji Yamamoto, and the 3 is Adidas’ famous 3-line trim design. The price of y3 shoes is relatively high, and it is well-known in high-end fashion circles. The public knows less about it, and there are very few domestic specialty stores. The major cities where specialty stores are distributed across the country are: Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Jinan, Qingdao, and Wuhan.
Advantages of the Pegasus 38:
1. Breathability: The built-in forefoot is still a zoom air cushion, which is very springy when pressed, has good elasticity, and uses cushioning foam The cotton is soft and comfortable, and the upper is made of knitted mesh, which is light and breathable. It is easy to see that it has good breathability, the overall wiring is meticulous, and the color scheme looks low-key but eye-catching.
2. Wrapping: The shoelace design fixes the tongue, which is not easy to deflect. There is thickened shoe cotton close to the heel. The full-length Continental rubber outsole can rebound 1.5 meters when pressed. When worn on the feet, the height is obviously increased by about 4 centimeters. The effect of the cushioning foam is very obvious when walking or running. It feels full of stepping on shit. Personally, I feel that the foot feel is better than that of the 350.