How to use MicrosoftWord to make a poster 1. Open MicrosoftWord. 2. Click on the blank document 3. Click on Layout 4. Click on Paper Size in the toolbar 5. Select the poster size. 6. Select the poster direction. 7. Create a title. 8. Insert graphics into the poster. 9. Add normal text. 10. Save the completed poster. 11. Print posters. This article teaches you how to create a poster-size document in Microsoft Word for Windows or macOS. Before you begin, make sure your printer is capable of printing large-size documents and that you have the required size paper. If you can't (or don't want to) print your poster at home, you can also send the file to a specialized location for printing. 1. Open Microsoft Word. If you don't have Microsoft Word open yet, launch Microsoft Word from the Start menu (Windows) or the Applications folder (macOS). This will open the application to the "New" page. 2. Click the Blank Document option. It should be the first option in the list of new file types. 3. Click the Layout or Page Layout tab. The tab names will vary depending on the version, but you'll definitely find one of these options at the top of the app. 4. Click the Paper Size button in the toolbar. It's near the top left corner of the app. This will display the document's various size options. 5. Select the poster size. Remember, if you are using a home printer, then it may not support large paper sizes. To specify a custom size, click Other page sizes at the bottom of the menu and make your selection. If you really need to make a larger poster, you can create the file, save it to a USB drive, and then go to a professional printing agency to print it. The poster size supported by ordinary home printers is 28x43 cm. You can find paper of this size anywhere that sells printing paper. 6. Select the poster direction. If you want your poster to print landscape (horizontally), click the Paper Orientation menu on the Page Layout tab and select Landscape. If you just want to put your poster in "portrait" (vertical) mode, skip this step. 7. Create a title. Many posters have a large text title at the top. If you want to add a title, follow these steps: Click the Insert tab at the top. Click on the text box near the upper right corner of Word. Select the Simple Text Box option to insert a text box. Enter the text you want to appear in large font on the poster. Highlight text in the title. Click the Home tab, return to the font options, and select a large font that's easy to read. If you plan to make a colorful poster, you can also choose the color. Drag the edges of the text box to the desired size. You can also move the text box to another location by hovering the mouse cursor over an edge and dragging. Another way to insert a title is to click WordArt on the Insert tab and select a design. This is a quick way to stylize text without specifying font color and size. Check out "How to Create WordArt" to learn more about this feature. 8. Insert graphics into the poster. If you want to add a photo or illustration to your poster, click the Insert tab and select the image. If you want the photo to appear below the title, drag the title's text box above the photo. You can also insert and customize shapes. To insert a shape, click the Insert tab and select the shape. You can then select a shape and use the mouse to draw it to the desired location. You can draw a shape by double-clicking it to activate the cursor. 9. Add normal text. To insert text into your poster, add another text box (in the Insert tab) just like you did when creating the title, and enter what you want. You can then format the text using the desired font and orientation on the Home tab. If you want to add text to multiple areas on your poster, place each text block into the corresponding text box. This will make it easier to format and move text areas. To change the direction of text, click the Orientation option in the Paragraph section of the Home tab. To learn how to wrap text around a picture, check out "How to wrap text around a picture." For tips on adjusting text orientation, check out How to Modify Text Orientation in Microsoft Word. 10. Save the completed poster. Click the File menu in the upper left corner, select Save As, and save to your desired location. 11. Print posters. If you plan to print posters at home, follow these steps: Load the appropriate size paper into the printer. Make sure it matches the poster paper size you selected. Click the File menu in the upper left corner. Click Print. Select your printer, color preferences, and other settings. Click Print. Tips To add a border around your poster, click the Design tab and select Page Borders.