Different files in computer applications have different data recording formats. In order to easily identify them before the system or program officially accesses their contents, people assign them Different extensions. Extensions, as an important part of digital file attributes, play a very important role in daily applications and operations.
Knowing and understanding file extensions will definitely help you further understand the computer operating mechanism and future applications
The following are common extensions:
===== ================================
aiff sound file Windows media Player
.!!! Netants temporary file Netants < /p>
.ani animated mouse
.arj compressed file ARJ
.avi movie file Windows media Player
.awd fax document
.bak backup file
.bas Basic language Basic
.bat DOS batch file
.bin MAC binary code file Stuffit Expander p>
.bmp Image file drawing/viewing software
.cab Compressed file Winzip
.cdr Corel drawing file Corel Draw
.chk The files created after Scandisk inspection can be deleted
.com DOS command file self-execution
.cpx Cryptapix encrypted picture file Cryptapix
.cur static mouse
p>.dbf Database file dBase, FoxBase, Access
.dll Application extension
.doc Document file Word
.dwg AutoCAD file AutoCAD
.eps Illustrator picture file Adobe Illustrator
.exe executable file self-execution
.fon font file
.gb national standard code file NJX word processing
.get Getright temporary file
.gif 256-color image file drawing/viewing software
.gz available for UNIX or LINUX Compressed files used Winzip
.hqx Macintosh files Stuffit Expander
.htm Web browser
.html Web browser
. ico icon
.ini Configure and set up notebook or WordPad
.ipx IPX demonstration file browser and install IPX plug-in
.jiff image file to draw/view pictures Software
.jpeg Compressed image file drawing/viewing software
.jpg Compressed image file drawing/viewing software
.js javascript
.lnk shortcut connection file connection file corresponding program
.m3u Winamp playlist Winamp
.mid sound file Windows media Player
.vod Quicktime video file Quick Time
.mp3 Compressed music file Winamp
.mpeg video Windows media Player
.mpg video Windows media Player< /p>
.njx NJX document NJX word processing
.pcb Electronic circuit diagram design file Protel PCB
.pdf Portable document format, containing pictures, text, etc. Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader
.pm5 PageMaker 5 typesetting file Page Maker
ppt Power Point file Microsoft Power Point
.ps GhostScript
.psd Photoshop file Adobe Photoshop
.pub Publisher typesetting file Microsoft Publisher
.qt Quicktime image file Quick Time
.ra Real Audio sound file Real Audio
.ram Real Audio image file Real Audio
.rar Compressed file Winrar
.rsf Richwin font file
.sch Electronic schematic design file Protel Schematic
.scr Screen saver file
.sea Macintosh startup File
.sit Compress Stuffit Expander
.swf Flash animation file browser and install Macromedia flash plug-in
.sys system file
.tar UNIX compressed file Winzip
.tif High-quality image file drawing/viewing software
.tiff High-quality image file drawing/viewing software
.tmp temporary files can be deleted
.ttf font files
.txt plain text files notebook or all word processing systems
.vbs Visual Basic programming FileMicrosoft Viasual Basic
.viv VIVO image file browser with VIVO plug-in
.vqf Compressed sound file Yamaha SoundVQ Player
.wav Uncompressed sound File Windows media Player
.wk1 Lotus 123 calculation software file Lotus 123, Excel
.wq1 Q-Pro Calculation software file Q-Pro, Excel
.wri Write text document Word
.xls Excel calculation software file Microsoft Excel
.Z UNIX compressed file Winzip
.zip compressed file Winzip p>
Image file:
bmp Windows or OS/2 Bitmap
clp Windows Clipboard
cup Dr. Halo
dib Windows or OS/2 DIB
emf Windows Enhanced Meta file
eps Encapsulated PostScript
fpx Flash Pix
gif Compuserver p>
iff Amiga
img GEM Paint
jpg JPEG - JFIF Compliant
lbm Deluxe Paint
mac Mac Paint< /p>
msp Macrosoft Paint
pbm Potable Bitmap
pct Macintosh Pict
pcx Zsoft Paintbrush
pic PC Paint< /p>
png Portable Network Graphics
ppm Portable Pixelmap
psd Photoshop
psp Paint Shop Pro Image
ras Sun Raster Image
raw Eaw File format< /p>
rle Windows or CompuServer RLE
sct SciTex Continuous Tone
tga Truevision Targa
tif Tagged Image file format
wmf Windows Meta File
wpg WordPefect Bitmap
Role document used by Microsoft's agent
A compressed format document with a compression rate even higher than WinRAR, which can be opened using tools such as WINACE
System management configuration
Audio compression management driver, providing encoding and decoding functions for various sound formats for Windows systems
Same as .acm, but saved locally
Microsoft Access Project Extension
Blank project template for Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access project
Sound file supports compression and can be played using Windows Media Player and QuickTime Player
Audio file, use Windows Media Player to play
Audio file, use Windows Media Player to play
Audio file, played using Windows Media Player
Animated cursor file extension, such as animated hourglass.
ASCII character graphic animation file
Application file, existing in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro system software Environment
Application files exist in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro system software
An earlier compressed file, you can use WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software to open
compressed files. You can use WinZip, WinRAR, PKARC and other software to open
It is the most commonly used image format in America Online. If you use Windows 2000, you must install a patch to view it
ASCII text files that can be processed by all types of word processing components.
Some systems may also use these file extensions to indicate that the file contains image information
Data files or Lotus 1-2-3 Screen file
Microsoft Media Player supports video streams that can be played using Windows Media Player
Assembly language include files, similar to .h files in C/C++
Assembly language source program files, generally compiled using MASM or Turbo ASM
Microsoft's video streaming files can be opened using Windows Media Player
The Active Server Page proposed by Microsoft is a server-side script that is commonly used For large-scale website development, it supports database connections, similar to PHP. It can be written using Visual InterDev and is currently very popular
Shortcut to Windows Media media files
It is a commonly used sound file format on the Internet. It is mostly created by Sun workstations and can be played using the software Waveform Hold and Modify. LiveAudio in Netscape Navigator can also play .au files
A Windows multimedia file format using the Microsoft RIFF specification for storing sounds and moving pictures
Fax browsing document, used for fax display
Fax keyword browser
Fax Signature Viewer
ADM_auto file
Base64 encoded Files can be encoded using WinZip
Backup files are generally auxiliary files created automatically or through commands. They contain the latest version of a file and have The same file name as this file
Basic language source program file can be compiled into an executable file. The current Basic development system is Visual Basic
< p>.batBatch file, in MS-DOS, the .bat file is an executable file, consisting of a series of commands, which can include calls to other programs
. bbs
Electronic bulletin board system article information file
Windows briefcase file
< p>Binary file, its use depends on the system or application.bmp
Bitmap bitmap file, which is the own format developed by Microsoft Paint and can be used by a variety of Windows and Supported by the Windows NT platform and many applications, it supports 32-bit color and is a resource file format used to create icons for Windows interfaces.
It is a black and white graphics file format that contains various pixel information
C language source program file , compiled under the C language compiler using
The compressed package format developed by Microsoft, commonly used in software installation programs, uses the utility program that comes with Windows, Extract.exe It can be decompressed, WinZip, WinRAR, etc. all support this format
AUTOCAD graphics file
Calendar files in Windows
Tag files exist in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
< p>CD audio track saved on AudioCD.cdf
Internet Explorer channel file
CorelDraw A graphics file format, which is a graphics image file format that can be used in all CorelDraw applications
index file, which exists in Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro systems In the software environment
Configuration file, a file used by the system or application software to configure its own functions and characteristics
< p>Compiled HTML file, often used to create help files and electronic documents.clp
The file format in the clipboard under Windows
The batch file for Windows NT/2000 actually has the same function as the BAT file, just to be different from the BAT under DOS/Windows 9x
Sound card standard music files, FM synthesizers, etc. can be played back
NetMeetting conference connection file
< p>Online help file directory index file, usually saved together with the .hlp file of the same name.col
A color palette created by Autodesk Animator, Autodesk Animator Por and other programs File format, which stores the RGB values ??of various items in the palette
DOS executable command file, generally less than 64KB
. cpd
Fax cover file
Fax cover file
International code page, Used to provide the code page information of the corresponding country
Control panel extension file, used by Windows operating system
C++ language source program, a very powerful language, has corresponding development systems on various platforms
Card file in Windows
. crd
Card file in Windows
Certificate authentication file used for security
Comma-delimited text file, generally used for data exchange between different applications
Cursor resource file format under Windows, cursor editing software can be used Edit
Text/css file
Data file for use in the application
< p>.datThe image and sound files in the VCD can be called by the VCD player software, or played through the VCD player
Database file, Database files generated by Foxbase, Dbase, Visual FoxPro, and other database processing systems
Fax browsing document files
Image files, DUP, HD, IMG and other tools can be expanded
Device driver
Device-independent bitmap file, which is a file format whose purpose is to ensure Bitmap graphics created with one application can be loaded or displayed by other applications
Directory files
Windows dynamic link libraries are almost everywhere, but sometimes conflicts between different versions of DLLs can cause various problems
It is the current market share Documents created by the word processing software Word in Microsoft Office, the most popular office software
Some system files of MS-DOS retained by Windows
Microsoft Word document template file can simplify the creation of documents in some common formats through templates, and can embed VBA programs to realize certain automation functions
.drv< /p>
Device driver files, used in various systems
AutoCAD drawing files are also a format supported by many drawing software and are commonly used in* **Share data
A graphics file format created by AutoCAD
A graphics exchange format, a A computer-aided design file format originally developed for use with AutoCAD to facilitate the transfer of graphics files between applications. It stores graphics in ASCII mode and is very accurate in expressing the size of graphics
Certificate file
Txt file
Developed by Microsoft The overall design goal of the Windows 32-bit extended metafile format is to make up for the shortcomings of the *.wmf file format used in Microsoft Windows 3.1 (Win16) and make metafiles easier to use
A graphics file format described in the PostScript language. It is saved as a text file and can print out high-quality graphics images on a PostScript graphics printer. It can represent up to 32-bit graphics images
Compilation error file, exists in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software environments
Executable file, although the suffix name The same, but with a different format and version
The display card driver used by the 3DS
Txt file
Key macro file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Autodesk Animator Animation files with Animatorpro support 256 colors, the largest image pixel size is 64000*64000, support compression, and are widely used in animation sequences in animation graphics, computer-aided design and computer game applications
. fnd
Saved search results
Bitmap font file
Fortran language Program
Shortcut key to font
Configuration file, exists in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Remarks field file exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Report file, exists in Dba
se, Foxbase, Foxpro series software environment
The report file exists in the Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software environment
The compiled program exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
C language source program header file
Windows application help files
Macintosh uses BinHex to encode binary files into 7-bit text files. Most Macintosh files all appear as .hqx (.bin is rarely used). In Macintosh, you can use StuffIt Expander to decode .hqx, and in Windows, you can use BinHex 13 to decode
< p>HyperTerminal.htm
Save a text file in Hypertext Description Language, which is used to describe various web pages and can be opened using various browsers
< p>.htmlSame as .htm file
Image color matching description file
< p>Icon files in Windows can contain multiple formats of the same icon and are created using icon editing software.idf
MIDI instrument definition
. idx
Index file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
File exchange format file, this file format is mostly used Amiga platform, on which it can store almost all types of data. On other platforms, the IFF file format is mostly used to store image and sound files
MAcintosh disk image file, common in FTP sites of Apple computers, processed by Shrink Wrap in Macintosh
Input method file under Windows
Disk image files can be restored to a disk after being opened with HD-COPY, WinImage and other tools
Assembly language Contains files, similar to .H files in C/C++
Software installation information under Windows. The standard installation program of Windows installs software based on the installation information in this file. Drivers, etc. are installed
The initialization information file in Windows is no longer used much. New applications save the settings in the system registry
A kind of compressed file, a new version of ARJ, but it is not very popular. You can use WinJar, Winrar, etc. to open it
< p>A picture compression file, the same as .jpg.jpg
The static image compression standard formulated by the Static Image Expert Group, has a high compression ratio and is very widely used. , you can use image processing software such as PhotoShop to create
Jpeg file
< p>.kbdKeyboard layout file
A graphics file format used in Deluxe Paint, its encoding method is similar to *.iff< /p>
Shortcut, this file points to another file. Each item in the program folder of the start menu is an LNK file
.log< /p>
Log files, usually used to record some events
An ancient compressed file that can be opened using WinRAR
Used in Macintosh
A medium grayscale graphics file format, used in Macintosh Paintbrush, its resolution can only be 720*567
Graphics file format
. mcc
Dialer10CallingCard (calling card file)
MCI command set
Microsoft Access The database format used is a very popular desktop database
In-memory application file, which exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
Audio compressed files were once very popular, but are rarely used in current software
MIDI instruments
Microsoft mail, relatively rare
Menu file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Menu file, exists in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
QuickTime or Mac Movie and television formats, played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software on Macintosh, and played by Quicktime on Windows
Movie files using Apple's QuickTime format can be played on Macintosh by Quicktime Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software can be played. In Windows, it can be played by Quicktime.
QuickTime or Apple's film and television formats can be played in Macintosh by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software. Playback, can be played by QuickTime in Windows
Audio files compressed using the MPEG-1 Layout 3 standard are the main compressed audio files on the Internet. Due to their extremely high With its high compression rate and low distortion, it is currently the main file format for music piracy, but it is currently challenged by new standards such as VQF and WMA.
Adopts MPEG-1 Standard compressed video files are very similar to the format used by VCD, providing CD-quality audio signals and 320*240 video resolution. Most current media player software can play them. Microsoft's WMV8 and MPEG-4 compressed AVI files are Its strong competitor
A graphics file format used in Macintosh
Microsoft Mail Document< /p>
A graphics file format in Animator Pro that contains a bitmap graphic
Microsoft Network File
MPEG file
< p>Mak
Application/x-trof-man format file
MPEG file
MPEG file
Microsoft Internet News Message
< p>Object code.opt
Is the graphics file format created by Animator Pro
Due to the many functions of the software, the memory On the small side,
Executable files that cannot be loaded into memory at once may have an ovl file with the same file name
.obt< /p>
Office. File.New
Microsoft Backup Policy
Query file, Use it in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Query files, use it in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Macintosh's QuickTime film and television format can be played by Sparkle, FastPlayer, MoviePlayer and other software on Macintosh, and can be played by Quicktime on Windows
Animation file, this file format was developed by Apple Computer Company and is supported by Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows platforms. It supports 25-bit color, the maximum image resolution is 64000*64000, supports compression, and is used to save audio and motion video information< /p>
The compressed file format provided by WinRAR has a compression rate higher than ZIP and also provides more functions. To enrich
recorder macro files under Windows
Windows 95 system and application registration files , although this kind of file is saved as a plain text file, there are still version problems. Different operating systems use different REG file versions
RTF format (Rich Text format ) file
A compressed bitmap file format. The RLE compression scheme is an extremely mature compression scheme. It is characterized by lossless compression, which saves disk space. Space is not lost without losing any image data, but it takes more time to open this kind of compressed file. In addition, some applications with poor compatibility may not be able to open it
.rm p>
Video compressed files supported by RealPlayer under Windows, very popular streaming video files on the Internet, and many real-time video news all use this format. However, the latest Windows Media Video V8 has launched it launched a powerful offensive
MIDI sequence file
Rich text format file, describing the content in plain text, Able to save information in various formats, you can create it with writing tablet, Word, etc.
ReadAudio files
ReadAudio File
Rnk file
Audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin format file
Archived file
A script file for automatic dial-up login for Internet dial-up users in Windows systems to avoid manual Cumbersome keyboard input when logging in
Barrier protection file
Screen file, in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro Use
screen files in the environment of series software, in Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Used in an environment
Microsoft backup set file is used to save the content to be backed up, settings and other information
< p>A shortcut to a document.shs
Fragments. You can drag and drop a piece of text from the WordPad to the desktop to create a fragment, but it is of little use.
Mac sound file, a sound file format developed by Apple Computer Company, is supported by the Macintosh platform and various Macintosh applications and supports certain compression
. spd
PostScript printer description file
Query file, used in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
SVG can be regarded as the hottest image file format at present. It is based on XML and was developed by the WorldWideWebConsortium alliance. SVG is a scalable vector graphic
Amiga sound file, a sound file format developed by Commodore, is supported by the Amiga platform and applications, and does not support compression
flash is a product of Micromedia Strictly speaking, it is an animation editing software. In fact, it produces an animation with the suffix .swf. This format of animation can express rich multimedia forms in a relatively small size, and can also be combined with HTML The file reaches a state of "compatibility"
Virtual memory swap file, used by the operating system
System files, drivers, etc. have different definitions in different operating systems
< p>Application/x-stuffit format file.taz
is a TAR file compressed in .Z format
Temporary database file, used in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, Foxpro series software
Image file, the structure of this file format is relatively simple, it is a kind of graphics and image data A common format that has a great influence in the field of multimedia and is the preferred format for converting computer-generated images to television
Same as tiff
image file. This image has a complex format, has a lot of storage content, and takes up a lot of storage space. Its size is 3 times that of a GIF image. , which is 10 times larger than the corresponding JPEG image. It was first popular on Macintosh and is now supported by mainstream image applications in Windows.
Temporary files, generally system and application Temporary files generated by programs will be automatically deleted when the system and applications exit. If the program exits abnormally, the temporary files may remain on the disk. In a single-task system, they can be deleted immediately. In a multitasking system, temporary files that are not in use should be deleted
Translation files
Phone Service provider
Font files in TrueType format, which can be viewed using FontView.Exe
Text files< /p>
Ttc file
InternetShortcut (shortcut to URL address on the internet)
ULS file
Microsoft's Visual Basic
Language control
The disc image file produced by the virtual optical drive tool
Version description, used to describe a certain A file with version information of a software. The content varies from software to software.
Sound file. This file format is developed by Creative Labs and is supported by Windows and DOS platforms. Compression
Virtual device driver, very common in Windows operating systems, is an important system file
Vir file
< p>.vstVisio.Drawing.4
Address book file, used by the address book program in the system
Audio file, this file format is a resource format used to save audio information on Windows. In Windows, it is played by Waveform Hold and Modify or Navigator, or "media player". There are many encoding methods, which require corresponding decoding programs to play.
Window files, in Used in the environment of Dbase, Foxbase, and Foxpro series software
A common metafile format in Microsoft Windows. It has the characteristics of short files and stylized patterns. The entire graphic is often spliced ??together from independent components, but the graphic is often rough and can only be edited in Microsoft Office
WordPad Document Conversion< /p>
Wps text file, there are many versions, can be opened using Wps Office, Wps 2000, etc.
Windows WordPad Document
Microsoft Email Address Book
A graphics file format created by Animator Pro that contains information used to describe a series of points of a polygon
Documents generated under Xifimage
< p>Excel.Chart.5.xlt
< p>.xlwExcel.Workspace
Excel .Macro.Sheet
A compressed file
is the most common file compression format in DOS/Windows .
Hope this is the answer you want. 1470 Answers