Can underage induced labor be done without a guardian?
Nowadays, young people, especially minors, make immature decisions because of their immature thoughts. Many times, some minors will get pregnant, which is a very serious matter. If you need to induce labor, according to the regulations of the hospital and the law, if you are underage, can you not have a guardian? What is the duty of a guardian? Can underage induced labor be done without a guardian? Of course not. The operation must be signed by the guardian. What does the guardian mean? A guardian refers to a person who has the obligation of guardianship over the person, property and all other legitimate rights and interests of a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct. Including (1) legal guardian, (2) appointed guardian, (3) testamentary guardian and (4) entrusted guardian. The above guardians can be divided into guardians of minors and guardians of mental patients. A guardian shall have guardianship ability, meet legal qualifications and perform guardianship duties, otherwise he shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities. Adapting to the guardianship duties, the guardian mainly has the following rights: (1) the right to protect the health of the ward. (2) Have the right to take care of the life of the ward. (3) Have the right to manage and protect the property of the ward and conduct civil activities on behalf of the ward. (4) Have the right to manage and educate the ward. (5) Have the right to represent the ward in litigation. Guardians exercise their guardianship rights according to law, and no organization or individual has the right to interfere. The duty of a guardian? The duties of a guardian include personal guardianship and property guardianship. Personal guardianship of minors aims at education and protection. The purpose of guardianship of a person declared incapacitated is to ensure the safety of himself and society and promote his rehabilitation. As for property guardianship, the guardian can manage the property of the ward according to law, and it is legal to be a guardian. The Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates: "When minor children cause damage to the state, the collective or others, parents have the obligation to bear civil liability." When exercising the right of property management, the guardian can use or dispose of the property for the benefit of the ward, but the disposal of real estate is prohibited or strictly restricted in the laws of many countries. In order to prevent the guardian from using the guardianship relationship to infringe upon the rights and interests of the ward, the guardian shall not accept the property of the ward unless there are special provisions in the law. Some countries also set up guardianship supervisors in law to ensure that guardians perform their duties according to law, protect their rights and interests when there is a conflict of interest between guardians and ward, and set up specialized institutions such as guardianship courts. Can underage induced labor be done without a guardian? Generally speaking, it is not allowed, which means that minors need the guardian's signature if they need to induce labor. For regular hospitals, this content is done well. It is very dangerous for many people to go to some informal hospitals. Because we need the signature of guardians, we must not make wrong decisions when we are minors.