An organized party
Organize a party
Your general manager XXX organized a party.
Your executive manager XXX organized a party this week.
An emergency meeting was arranged.
urgent meeting
Your general manager XXX held an emergency meeting this week.
Your executive manager XXX organized an emergency meeting this week.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you made your point clear to XXX, he shrugged his shoulders and went home. A leader like him doesn't need to hear this.
When you punished XXX, he shrugged and went home. Such a leader doesn't need to listen.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
When you told XXX your opinion clearly, he went completely crazy.
When you punished XXX, he was very upset about it.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
When you told XXX your point of view clearly, he smiled contemptuously and went home. As a real heroine, he is sometimes unhappy.
When you punished XXX, he smiled contemptuously. As a vain player, you often have bad luck.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you made your point clear to XXX, he thought it was a nightmare, not the only football club on the planet. It is no coincidence that he is considered a skilled player.
When you punish XXX, he thinks this is not the only club on earth. Unfortunately, he must be a temporary player.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you have clearly told XXX your views, he is eager to show his strength to everyone in the club. He identifies with this club and is proud of it.
When you punish XXX, he is eager to show his strength to the club. He is a member of the club and is proud of it.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you clearly expressed your views to XXX, he decided to break off relations with the club forever.
When you punished XXX, he decided to get together and leave.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you made your point clear to XXX, the old mounted policeman decided to devote himself to everything with new enthusiasm in the future.
When you punish XXX, all the old players are determined to devote themselves to their future careers with full enthusiasm.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you have clearly expressed your views to XXX, this energetic player is determined to devote himself to everything with new enthusiasm in the future.
When you punish XXX, players in good condition are determined to devote themselves to their future careers with full enthusiasm.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you have clearly expressed your views to XXX, he is determined to devote himself to everything with new enthusiasm in the future.
When you punish XXX, the player is determined to devote himself to his future career with full enthusiasm.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After making your point clear to XXX, he will know that you are right.
When you punished XXX, he was very angry, even though he knew you were right.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
When you told XXX your views clearly, he was really discouraged.
When you punish XXX, he really doesn't care.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you clearly expressed your views to XXX, he understood the reason for your criticism.
When you punish XXX, he understands your reasons for criticizing him.
Xxxx is disciplined.
Punish players
After you made your point clear to XXX, he couldn't understand your criticism at all (old morale _ value, new morale _ value _2).
When you punished XXX, he didn't understand your reasons for criticizing him at all.
The autograph will be frustrated
Signature activity failed.
Your player was angered by the constant autograph session and lost two morale points.
Your players are angry because of frequent signature activities, morale -2.
Preferential quotation for construction
Tempting proposal
Your general manager, XXX, has received a good offer for XXX building. You will get everything, but you must make a decision within the next 14 days.
Your executive manager, XXX, received a good offer to buy a house in XXX. You can get XXX money from it, but you must give an answer within 14 days.
Xxxx wants to play
Xxxx players want to play.
Xxxx, please choose him for the next competition. "I think I finally won my chance." what do you think?
Player XXX implores you to arrange his next game. He said: I think I will have a chance. What's your opinion?
The player's face lit up.
The player is very happy.
The player is disappointed.
Player disappointment
The promise to XXX has not been fulfilled.
The promise to XXX players has not been fulfilled.
Xxxx is extremely unhappy because you didn't keep your word.
The player is very unhappy because you broke your word.
Xxxx was replaced long ago.
Xxxx premature replacement
Xxxx was extremely unhappy because he was replaced so early in the last game.
The player was very unhappy because you replaced him prematurely in the last game.
Xxxx send and replace again.
Xxxx was replaced on the field and then replaced.
Xxxx was annoyed because he was sent off in the same game and then replaced.
The player is very unhappy because you changed him in the last game and then changed him.
Xxxx is leaving.
Xxxx wants to leave.
Xxxx wants to leave the club because he thinks the current lineup is too weak. He prefers to be part of a stronger organization. What's your response?
Xxxx wants to leave because the current club is too weak, and he wants to go to a better club.
Xxxx's criticism of the club management.
The player criticized the management of the club.
In a recent interview, XXX expressed a very negative view on the management of the club.
Xxxx strongly denied the management of the club in a recent interview.
Signing meetings are annoying.
The signature activity is in trouble.
Your players are tired of signing autographs and have lost 2 points of morale.
Players are very tired because of frequent signature activities. Morale -2
Signing meetings are annoying.
The signature activity is in trouble.
Your player was angered by the constant autograph session and lost 5 points of morale.
Players are very disgusted with frequent signature activities. Morale -5
Fan hooliganism
soccer hooligans
After last week's defeat, your fans completely destroyed the special train prepared for them. This will cost XXX yuan.
After last week's failure, the fans completely smashed the rented car. Spend ××××××
Special offer-Doha training camp
Special invitation-Doha training camp
You received a letter from the chief, who is a big fan of your team. Next season, you can attend the training camp in Doha at half price.
You received a letter from a fan of the club, who is also an Arab Sheikh. Next season, Doha training camp is half price.
Special offer-Eschweiler Training Camp
Special invitation-Eschweiler Training Camp
In order to improve his image, Eschweiler will open its training camp to you at half price next year. You must not miss those "excellent conditions next to the power station"!
In order to change the image, Eschweiler will open it to you at half price next year.
Special offer-St. Moritz training camp
Special invitation-St. Moritz training camp
The Tourist Association of St Moritz is pleased to welcome your team next year. You can even count on reducing the price by 50%.
A travel agency in St Moritz welcomes you to go there next year with a half-price discount.
Your whole team is suffering from stomach trouble at present. All players lose 5 points of physical strength.
The whole team suddenly developed gastrointestinal diseases. Overall physical fitness -5
Healthy food
Healthy food
The chef in your training camp hotel has prepared particularly delicious and healthy food, which is also helpful for the team's training plan. Your player will get an extra 2 physical fitness points.
The chef in the training camp prepared a delicious and healthy food today, which can help the team train. Total energy +2
The duplicate shirt is ruined.
Sweater shirt damaged
You find that moths have entered your commodity warehouse. Half of the replica shirts have been badly damaged and can't be sold any more.
You found many moths in the commodity warehouse. Generally, jerseys are bitten badly and cannot be sold.
Main demonstration
Large demonstration
The big demonstration on the day of your home game is likely to cause first-class traffic jams. Unfortunately, your stadium has no railway connection. For this reason, many fans will stay at home next weekend. The audience is expected to decrease by 20%.
Your family held a large demonstration on the match day, which caused a serious traffic jam. It's a pity that your stadium didn't connect to the subway, so everyone stayed at home and the audience decreased by 20%.
Pop band
Pop band
A very famous pop band is coming to your town. Unfortunately, the performance conflicts with your next home game. The demand for tickets has dropped significantly; The audience is expected to decrease by 10%.
A very famous pop band came to this city. Unfortunately, it affects your next home game. Tickets can't be sold, reducing the attendance rate 10%.
Parking situation
Parking conditions
A poll shows that many away fans just stay at home because of the poor parking conditions in the stadium. For this reason, you might expect the audience of the next home game to decrease by 10%.
Opinion polls show that many visiting fans prefer to stay at home because of the poor parking conditions in the stadium. Therefore, the attendance rate of 10% is reduced.
The computer system is broken.
Computer system paralysis
The computer system for booking tickets is out of order. Xxxx has to be paid. Because of incomplete sales, you can expect that the audience will be about 2% less.
The computer ticketing system is paralyzed, which costs ××××, reducing the attendance rate by 2%.
Media access
Media interview
A TV station wants to do a report about the team preparing for the next game. Do you agree?
A TV station wants to report on the preparations for the next game. Do you agree?
You earn XXX, but you will suffer a little from training activities (-1 point fitness).
You get XXX money, but-1 physical strength.
You refused their request.
You turned him down.
Media access
Media interview
A video production company wants to make an educational film about your club's daily training. Do you agree?
An audio-visual production company wants to make a film for club training. Do you agree?
You earn XXX, but you will suffer a little from training activities (-1 point fitness).
You get XXX money, but-1 physical strength.
You refused their request.
You turned him down.