1, open InternetExplorer;;
2. Click Tools-Internet Options-Security-Custom Level on the menu bar;
3. Security Settings-Select "Prompt" in the fifth "Download unsigned ActiveX controls" under "ActiveX controls and plug-ins"-OK! Refresh the page to be installed;
4. Internet option-Select "Allow running and installing software even if the signature is invalid" in the advanced option;
5. Start-Control Panel-System-Hardware;
6. There is a "driver signature" option in the driver. After clicking. Choose the first option: ignore-install the software without asking my advice;
7. Restart the computer after completing all the steps, and then double-click to install the software.
The solution of xp system installation software prompt "unable to verify the publisher" is shared here. Remember to restart the computer. After the computer is restarted, reinstall the software that can't be installed just now, and you will find that it can be installed normally. Users who need it may wish to refer to this tutorial to solve it.