Microsoft ActiveX control is a reusable software component developed by a software provider. Using ActiveX controls, you can quickly add special functions to desktop applications and website development tools. For example, a StockTicker control can be used to instantly add activity information to a web page, and an animation control can be used to add animation functions to a web page.
At present, there are various commercial ActiveX control development controls, which can use various programming languages such as C C++ Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual Java development environment. Once an ActiveX control is developed, designers and developers can use it as a pre-design. Assembly components are used to develop client programs. Users who use ActiveX controls in this way can complete the design of web pages or applications without knowing how these components are developed. In many cases, they don't even need to program themselves.
Internet Explorer and above browsers support ActiveX controls. In Mosaic and Netscape Navigator, ActiveX plug-ins for Netscape can also be used to display ActiveX controls.
Script ActiveX controls and other Web browser plug-ins are widely used on the Internet. They can increase the fun of browsing by providing toolbars, stock quotes, newspaper receivers, video animation content and so on. However, these programs may have problems or provide you with unnecessary content. In some cases, these programs can be used to collect information from your computer in a way that you don't allow, thus destroying the data on your computer. Install software on your computer or allow others to control your computer remotely without your consent. Considering these risks, you should install these programs with full trust in the publisher.
What are software code digital signature and code signing digital certificate?
Digital signature of software code is a way to mark files electronically through information. At this point, the file will be digitally signed by the creator (publisher). A valid digital signature will tell you two things about the file: the publisher's name and the file has not been changed since it was signed. Any tampering will invalidate the signature. The digital signature of the software code will
* Allows you to verify the publisher of the document.
* Confirm that the file has not been changed since it was digitally signed.
Any software developer can apply for a software code signing certificate and sign the code from a trusted root certificate authority (such as GeoTrust) in IE browser.
Does a valid digital signature mean that the file is secure?
Effective digital signature can only ensure that the true identity of the software code publisher is verified by a third-party authoritative certificate authority, but it cannot guarantee that the contents of the file are harmless. You must decide for yourself whether you should trust the contents of the file.
Remember, a digital signature does not guarantee that the file is harmless. If you create a signed file in this harmful way, it may still contain harmful code. That's why when you start opening certain file types from a browser, Windows will ask you if you want to open the file even if it has a valid digital signature.
If a file does not have a valid digital signature, there is no guarantee that the file really comes from its declared source or has not been tampered with (possibly tampered with by a virus) after it is published. It is safer not to open the file unless you are sure of its creator and know its contents.
Should I install ActiveX controls?
Maybe, but even if ActiveX controls have valid digital signatures, you should be careful when installing these ActiveX controls on your computer. Although ActiveX controls can improve the effect of web browsing, they may also become security risks, so if web pages can still work normally without them, it is best to avoid using them, but some websites or tasks may need them. If the content or tasks of these websites are important to you, you must decide whether to install ActiveX controls, and don't install them unless you absolutely trust the websites that provide ActiveX controls for you.
In addition, the website that provides download files should tell you the purpose of ActiveX controls and all the special details you need to know before installing files. If you don't get this information, you shouldn't install the control.
Why does Windows prohibit the installation of certain files?
To help you protect your computer from potentially harmful files, Windows sometimes prevents you from installing files requested or received through the Internet. This can happen if the file contains ActiveX controls or Web browser add-ins that do not have valid digital signatures.
The default security settings in IE browser are designed to help users protect their computers from Internet viruses and attacks. Microsoft strongly recommends that you keep these security settings at the default level or higher.
Windows will also block files from publishers that you (or a computer administrator or network administrator) have blocked, and install these files directly for publishers that you trust without prompting you. Please choose the software publisher you trust carefully.
What should I pay attention to when running scripts and ActiveX controls in IE browser?
For software developers, they must buy Microsoft code signing certificate before downloading code signing, so as to allow downloading. For end users, you should be careful not to let websites run scripts or ActiveX controls on your computer. Although these items may improve the effect of web browsing, they may also become security risks, so it is best to avoid using them, but some websites or tasks may need them. You must decide whether to trust ActiveX controls blocked by IE browser for security reasons.
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