name (printed) means the printed name. You just need to fill in the Chinese pinyin of your name neatly. Any signature means a signature. The signature doesn't have to be recognizable as what you wrote, but it should be unique and difficult to imitate. When you go abroad, you need to sign a legal document, whether it is a check or a credit card, and you must sign a signature. After you sign, it means that you agree with the content of this document, and it will have legal effect. So make sure your signature is not easily imitated and that it is the same everywhere you leave it. For you, you can just sign in Chinese, which will make it more difficult for foreigners to imitate your signature. You don’t have to worry about foreigners not being able to understand your signature, because even foreigners’ signatures are like drawings drawn back and forth, and it is difficult to see what is written. What is. Of course, you can sign your pinyin name if you want. It's just a matter of leaving the same signature on all the documents that require signatures when you go abroad once you decide.