1. Three carefully filled visa application forms (RK 1200).
2. 4 recent 2-inch white background ID photos (3 posted on the visa application form, 1 with the name marked in pinyin on the back).
3. Applicant's passport (valid for at least six months, and the last page must be signed by the applicant).
4. The admission notice can take the following forms (one original and two copies).
A) Zulassungsbescheid (admission date is at least six weeks from the submission date).
B) A notice of admission to a language class in a Turkish language school (at least three months, with no less than 20 class hours per week and at least six weeks from the start date to the submission date) and a proof of payment for the language class for at least three months.
5. The capital certificate can be made in the following ways: (one original and two copies)
A) There is a deposit certificate of at least 7020 euros in a bank account in the Federal Republic of Germany. Additional restrictive terms: the monthly withdrawal shall not exceed 585 euros. This account can also be opened in the Beijing office of a Turkish bank.
Other sources of funds must be explained by convincing corresponding materials.
B) Unlimited financial guarantee or irrevocable bank guarantee issued by a person residing in the Federal Republic of Germany. The guarantee must include all kinds of expenses mentioned in Articles 66-68 of the Turkish Residence Law (transportation and other travel expenses, management fees, necessary official escort expenses, and public funds for subsistence, including housing and possible medical and nursing expenses).
C) scholarship certificate indicating the amount.
6. Original 1 copy of the medical insurance certificate for overseas travel (Reisekrankenversicherung) with the insurance amount of 30,000 euros during the stay in Turkey, and 2 copies (the start time of the insurance certificate can be calculated according to Item 23 of the visa application form, counting from the start time of applying for entry; And the insurance has paid the premium in full)
7. Generally, applicants in China must submit two audit certificates.
8. One original visa supplementary statement signed by myself. (It can be downloaded from the embassy website)