If you know the bank card number, you can reset it by the following steps:
(1) Click "I" on WeChat, select "Wallet", click the menu in the upper right corner, and select payment management.
(2) Click Forgot Payment Password.
(3) Click the bound bank card and remember the card number to enter, enter the card number, name, ID number and mobile phone number reserved by the bank, click Next, enter the verification code obtained on the mobile phone to complete the verification, and then reset the password.
If you don't have a bank card bound, or can't remember the card number of the card, you can add a bank card to reset the payment password by the following methods:
(1) Click the menu in the upper right corner of WeChat wallet, select Payment Management, select Forgotten Payment Password, and then click Add Bank Card.
(2) Enter the card number. If the bank card has not been bound before, the name column will not appear.
Enter your name, ID number and mobile phone number reserved in advance at the bank counter to open fast payment. Click Next and enter the verification code to reset the password.
Please note, however, that if you add a bank card, please use the original cardholder's bank card to complete the addition if the bank card has been bound before. If the bank card is not bound, please add it with your own bank card.