To: Mr./Ms. xxxisanxxxx (position) of XXXXXXXX (company name). He/Shehasworksinour Unitssincexxxx (date of employment). Date/month (year) of application (time of going abroad). . Name, date of birth, passport number PositionsSalaryXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XherbyWeguaranteeteath/Shevillabidebythelawsofblyth. He/she goingto visitandwilcomebacktoChinaonscheduleandstillworking units. AlltheCostofthetravel Willborn Byhis/Herelf. PleaseKindlyRylereVisatohim/Her. Bestregards, Signature of Leader, Seal of Leader's Position, Tel: XXX-xxxxxxxxxxxXXX (Company Address), Name of Company: XXXXXXXXXXX (Company Name) Remarks: 1. The employment permit should be printed in English. 2. Where is XX in the sample, you should fill in your relevant information accordingly, and don't leave XX in the completed employment certificate. 3. () The brackets are for us.