article 667 of the civil code of the people's Republic of China is a loan contract in which the borrower borrows money from the lender, returns the loan at maturity and pays interest. Article 668 A loan contract shall be in written form, except as otherwise agreed between natural persons. The contents of a loan contract generally include terms such as loan type, currency, purpose, amount, interest rate, term and repayment method.
Is there any legal effect if the IOUs are not printed by fingerprints?
It is not necessary to print the IOUs to have legal effect. The following factors will also affect the effectiveness of IOUs: 1. The title indicates that the IOUs are IOUs; 2. The reasons for the arrears need to be clearly stated, and illegal debts or excessive annual interest rates will not be protected by law; 3. The full name and ID number of the debtor should be clearly stated, and it is best for the debtor to press the handprint; 4. The amount should be in Arabic numerals to avoid being tampered with and causing disputes; 5. The method of lending needs to be clearly stated; 6. The term of arrears must be clear to avoid disputes over repayment time; 7. The interest rate should indicate whether it is the annual interest rate or the monthly interest rate, and it should also be capitalized; Because it is a common dispute whether the interest rate after maturity is consistent with the agreed interest rate during the borrowing period, the overdue interest rate slightly higher than the borrowing interest rate should be stated in the IOU; 8. At the end of the text, it is best to write this as the basis.