Sign means symbol; gesture; sign; so do you know what the phrases of sign are? Next, I have sorted out the phrase matching of sign for you, I hope it will be helpful to you!
Phrases for sight:
Sign of the cross
1. [To express blessing or prayer] sign of the times
Sign of the times
1. A sign of the times (especially something unpopular or annoying)
Theft is a sign of the times.
The theft was a sign of the times.
signed, sealed, and delivered (or signed and sealed
1. Officially signed and effective
sign something away/over
1. (on the contract) sign away (rights, property)
I have no intention of signing away my inheritance rights.
I have no intention of signing away my inheritance.
sign for
1. sign for receipt
sign someone in
1. sign in< /p>
Sign someone off
1. Register that someone is not suitable for work (especially due to illness)
Sign off on
1. (U.S. , informal) recognition, agreement
It was hard to get celebrities to sign off on those issues.
> sign someone on
1. sign someone out
sign someone out
1. sign to release; register someone’s departure
sign something out
1. Register something to lend (or rent)
I signed out the keys.
>sign someone up
1. (formal) employment
sign in
1. sign in: by recording (another person or own) arrival
Sign off
1. Announce the end of the broadcast; end
2. Stop broadcasting after saying the name of the radio station
3. Informal term formal agreement: formally or conclusively express agreement
Get the Congress to sign off on the tax proposal
got the Congress to sign off on the tax proposal .
Synonym analysis:
Groan, moan, sigh, sob
These nouns (verbs) all have the sound of "sigh," It means "sigh".
groan: refers mainly to a heavy groan due to unbearable mental burden or intense pain, etc. It also refers to a sigh showing strong dissatisfaction.
Moan has a stronger tone than groan, and mostly refers to a prolonged or continuous lament (sound) or moan (sound).
Sigh: refers to a deep sigh unconsciously expressing emotions such as frustration, grief, regret, or boredom.
Sob: refers to the sound of sobbing or whimpering, or crying while talking.
symbol, badge, sign, signal, mark, token, attribute, emblem
These nouns all contain the meaning of "mark, symbol, symbol".
symbol: refers to a special thing that symbolizes or expresses some profound meaning.
Badge: Generally refers to a metal badge or a ribbon with a name written on it.
sign: A common word that refers to a sign that people recognize as a sign of something. It can also refer to a sign of a certain situation.
signal: refers to a signal intentionally sent for a certain purpose.
mark: A common word with a wide range of meanings. It can refer to a mark made intentionally for easy identification, or it can refer to a naturally formed mark or a characteristic that is different from other things.
Token: With a solemn tone, it refers to gifts, souvenirs, etc. as symbols or signs of friendship, love, etc.
Attribute: refers to a symbol of a person or thing and its status and attributes.
Emblem: Refers to a pattern or object selected to symbolize a country, nation or family.
Examples of sign phrases:
1. The priest made the sign of the cross over him.
The priest made the sign of the cross over him.
2. Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.
Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.
3. Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.
Democratic leaders have challenged the president to sign the bill.
4. The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.
The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.
5. His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.
His face and movements rarely betrayed a sign of nerves.
6. O.K. I'll sign off. We'll talk at the beginning of the week.
Okay, that's it. We'll talk at the beginning of next week.
7. He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.
He will sign a personal guarantee to additionally secure the loan.
8. The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organized opposition.
The Party has ruthlessly crushed any sign of organized opposition.
9. Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.
Don't sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.
10. Some sign languages ??are very sophisticated means of communication.
Some sign languages ??can express very complex content.
11. The most visible sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment.
One of the most visible signs of the severity of the crisis is unemployment.
12. A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It's the Law.
A sign just ahead of me said, Buckle Up. It's the Law.
A sign in front of me said: Buckle Up. This is a legal requirement.
13. They are willing to sign away their entire worldly possessions.
They are willing to sign away all their worldly possessions.
14. The sign on the bus read "Private: Not In Service".
The sign on the bus reads "Private: Not for rent".
15. Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.
Go straight through that door under the EXIT sign.