Find the most suitable and standard English name.
Galvin is homophonic with the name, Irish, meaning lovely sparrow, Guo Liang, Galvin.
Signature: Guo Jiawen
Note: China's surname Guo Ying is translated into Guo.
For more suitable, please refer to.
Galen calm male Gail
Galeno, clever little man, Spanish man.
Galip champion male turkey
Gallagher's enthusiastic assistant male Celtic
Galloway, a male Latino from Gaul.
Calvin Sparrow Male Ireland
Gamba warrior male Africa
Gambling old man Norway
Ganesh, an Indian god, male India.
Gannon, a handsome man, Ireland
Gara goshawk male Hungary
Gardener Gardner, Denmark
Male anglo-Saxon
Gareth of Wales, a gentle man.
Garrett, a strong male Anglo-Saxon with a spear.
Garfield Point Men's Old English
Garin warrior male ancient German
Garland garland, corolla male ancient French