The items that must be recorded on the check are:
1. The word "check" is used to determine the nature of the instrument and make it easy for the parties to identify it so as to determine their rights and obligations;
2. Unconditional payment entrustment. Unconditional payment entrustment refers to the express intention of the drawer to entrust a bank or other financial institution to pay without attaching any conditions;
3 , the determined amount. When the check records the determined amount, it should be recorded in Chinese capital letters and numbers at the same time, and the two must be consistent;
4. The name of the payer. The name of the payer refers to the person who accepts the entrustment. The name of the bank or other financial institution that unconditionally pays the determined amount to the payee or holder when the check is presented;
5. The date of issue refers to the date when the check is issued by the drawer, and the check must be Record it;
6. Signature and seal of the drawer.
A check is an instrument issued by the drawer, and the bank or other financial institution entrusted with the check deposit business unconditionally pays a determined amount to the payee or holder when the check is presented. Similarly, the check system also applies to the relevant regulations on bills of exchange. Therefore, we only introduce the special regulations for checks that are different from bills of exchange. The characteristics of checks are as follows: checks are commissioned securities, but the payee of the check is special and must be a bank or non-bank financial institution qualified for check deposit business; checks in my country only have demand checks, and there is no acceptance system for checks.
If there is any inconsistency between the two, or the amount of the bill has changed, the bill will be invalid. The amount of the check issued by the drawer must not exceed the actual deposit amount with the payee at the time of payment, otherwise it will be a bad check and the payee will not pay. Application for check: To open a check deposit account, the applicant must use his or her real name and submit legal documents proving his or her identity; to open a check deposit account, the applicant should reserve his or her signature and seal; to open a check deposit account To receive a check, you must have reliable credit and deposit a certain amount of funds.
The characteristics of checks are: easy to use, simple and flexible procedures; the payment deadline for checks is 10 days from the date of issue; checks can be endorsed and transferred, but checks used for cash withdrawals cannot be endorsed and transferred.