Its delete button is gray, and the editor may have set password protection.
Create a new worksheet, press ALT+F 1 1 to enter the VBA editor, create a new module, copy the following code into it, run the MoveProtect macro to delete the password, and then delete the macro.
Remove VBA encoding protection.
Child MoveProtect ()
Mark the file name as a string
Filename = application.getopenfilename ("Excel file (*. xls & amp; *.xla),*。 Xls*.xla ","VBA cracking ")
If FileName = CStr(False), then
outlet connection
VBAPassword file name, False
If ... it will be over.
End joint
Set VBA coding protection
Subset protection ()
Mark the file name as a string
Filename = application.getopenfilename ("Excel file (*. xls & amp; *.xla),*。 Xls*.xla ","VBA cracking ")
If FileName = CStr(False), then
outlet connection
VBAPassword file name, True.
If ... it will be over.
End joint
Private function VBAPassword (file name is string, optional protection is Boolean = False)
If directory (file name) = ",then
Exit function
File copy file name, file name and. ".bak "
If ... it will be over.
Dim GetData As String * 5
Open the file name of the binary file as # 1
Darken the image to be long.
Dim DPBo As Long
For i = 1 to LOF( 1)
Get # 1,I,GetData
If GetData = "CMG= ""then CMGS = I.
If GetData = "[Host ",then DPBo = i-2: Exit For.
If CMGs = 0, then
MsgBox "Please set the protection password for VBA coding first ...", 32, "Prompt"
Exit function
If ... it will be over.
If Protect = False, then
Dim St As String * 2
Display s20 as a string * 1
Gets the 0D0A hexadecimal string.
Get # 1, CMGs-2, St
Gets a hexadecimal string of 20.
Get # 1, DPBo+16, s20.
Replace the encrypted part of the key.
For i = CMGs to DPBo step 2
Put # 1, I, St.
Add unpaired symbols
if(DPBo-CMGs)Mod 2 & lt; & gt then 0
Put # 1, DPBo+1, s20
If ... it will be over.
MsgBox "File decrypted successfully ...", 32, "Prompt"
Display MMS as a string * 5
MMs = "DPB= " "
Play # 1, SMS, MMS.
MsgBox "Special encryption of file succeeded ...", 32, "Prompt"
If ... it will be over.
Close # 1
End function
1. At the beginning of the activity of Magic Capital, a group of archers with percentage blood damage will be refreshed on the bri