After Mu Zong's death, Gao Gong, a college student, wanted to crowd out Feng Bao and asked the suggestion to impeach him. I once wrote a letter to Zhang, a university student, saying, "The court ministers all said that you conspired with me, and you also wrote the testamentary edict of the first emperor. The thing today is that this eunuch should not be sheltered. " Zhang was furious. When Gao Gong was driven out of the imperial court, all the civil and military officials in the Qing Dynasty were frightened to disgrace. Only Xue Wei once said loudly: "As soon as the emperor ascended the throne, he demoted his minister and told officials who made the imperial edict." He asked ministers to go to Zhang's mansion to discuss the matter, but most of them refused to go. Zhang also refused to visit ministers on the grounds of illness, which was even more against Zhang's mind. Xue Wei was banished to Nanking. Before taking office, he served Zonghong Siam to cater to Zhang and impeach him. The court ordered him to wait for deployment in his past official position, and Wei Xue once returned to his hometown. More than a year after Zhang's death, he was appointed as the right assistant minister of Nanjing Household Department. Call for the right capital empire, warehouse inspector. Soon, he retired from his post as the minister of Nanjing Household Department.
In the eighteenth year of Wanli (1590), King Shunyi took Rixey to Qinghai, and the fire fell red, and the truth invaded Taohe River. Deputy commanders likui jy and Li Lianfang died one after another. The imperial court ordered Zheng Luo, an important official, to manage seven towns and concurrently serve as the governor. Zheng Luo insisted on refusing to be the governor. In the spring of the following year, Cabinet Minister Wang Xijue recommended Wei Xuezeng. Therefore, he served as the minister of war, the governor of Shaanxi, the military affairs of Yan, Ning and Gan. At that time, Zheng Luo wholeheartedly advocated peace talks. When Wei arrived, he disagreed with him. Ye Mengxiong, governor of Shaanxi Province, helped Wei Xuezeng. At first, when King Shunyi was blocked, Ye Mengxiong was convicted for speaking out against him. Wei Zengxue also told Gao Gong that it was inconvenient to do so. At this time, Wei Xueceng and Ye Mengxiong pulled Rick to help resist, trying to conquer them, and criticized Zheng Luo for not taking the enemy seriously. Just as Rick returned to his hometown in the east, all the departments in Hollochi moved away. Xue Wei once played, although Rick went home, he secretly left 20,000 soldiers in Jiayu to help Horochi and the truth. This statement was originally hearsay, but court officials rushed to echo it. Wang Xijue regretted it. He wrote a letter blaming Ye Mengxiong. Shi Xing, the minister of the Ministry of War, believes that since King Shunyi returned to the East, it is urgent to announce the major events of the government. Call Zheng Luo back to discuss appeasement and ignore Wei Xuezeng's play. Not long after, the first territory of Hetao tribe completed the mutual market transaction and demanded to increase the reward. Du Tong, the commander of Wei Ming Company, Zhang Gang, a participant in Shenmu, and Guerrillas in Gushan unexpectedly killed Ming 'an, captured and killed more than 480 heads, and seized countless horses and equipment. Xue Wei once crowned the prince for his achievements. The son of Ming 'an declared revenge and called on the tribes.
In the second year, Yan Bai rebelled, thus inciting the tribes to rebel. During Jiajing period, Bai Qian, a westerner, offended his tribal leader, and his father and brother were killed. Bai Qian escaped and surrendered to the court. He was brave and good at fighting. Wang Chonggu, the former viceroy, and Shi successively invited him as the deputy viceroy, so they collected more fugitives. After his son, Cheng En, was born, Yan Bai dreamed that a monster entered his wife Shi's ribs. His body is like a wolf, he barks like an owl, and his character is fierce and rough. He is old and has inherited the title. In the 19th year of Wanli (159 1), an alarm occurred in Taohe River, and Isabella Chow, an imperial envoy, recommended Cheng En to command Wen Xiu and his adopted sons Yan Bai and Jin Yun. The Taishou Party trusted Wen Xiu to help the Western Expedition, met Zheng Luo, and expressed his willingness to start with his son. The party's heart hated his self-recommendation and deliberately suppressed him, so it was very angry. When I arrived in Jincheng, I saw all the soldiers in the town under his command. When the rebels were repelled and returned through the Great Wall, the enemy cavalry avoided him, so they despised the inside and outside of the Central Plains. The SS beheaded several times and flogged twenty times for the crime of ingratitude. Jinyun and Xiu also resent the Party's heart for other reasons. It happened that the guard asked for clothes and food, but he didn't get it for a long time. Bai Chen instigated the army pioneers Liu Dongyang and Xu Chao to launch an uprising. In February of the 20th year of Wanli (1592), he killed the SS and its assistant Shi, and forced the company commander to commit suicide. Jin Yunhe killed guerrillas, defended Ma Chengguang and ... and claimed to be the company commander. Choose Yan Bai as the military adviser, take courtesy as the left and right company commanders, Jinyun as the left and right generals. Chengen then captured Yuquanying, Zhongwei and Guangwu, and the area west of the Yellow River fell with the wind. Only Wen Xiu attacked Pinglu, and Xiao Rudang insisted on not surrendering. The rebel army has captured 47 castles west of the Yellow River, crossed the Yellow River, induced Hetao to attack Pinglu and Huamachi, and shocked the whole Shaanxi.
Wei ordered Li Ri, the deputy company commander, to take the guerrilla Wu Xian to Lingzhou, sent a guerrilla to Mingsha to stop the rebels from crossing the Yellow River south, and stationed himself in Huamachi, just as the rebels arrived. When Xu Li and others crossed the Yellow River, most of the rebels fled, all 47 castles were recovered, and only Ningxia town was occupied by the rebels. Zhu Li Rabbit and other tribes echoed the rebellion from afar, worshiping Wen Xiu and attacking Wu Zhaoyu Spring. Liu Yun led the rabbit to attack Lu Ping, for example, setting an ambush and shooting Liu Yun. Li Ri saved Wu Zhao in one word, and the siege was lifted. In April, Li Riju led the troops and the former company commander Niu to reach the gates of Ningxia. The emperor promoted Dong Yikui as company commander and Li Ben as deputy company commander. Soon, Ruxun was promoted to replace Dong Yikui, and Magway replaced Li Ben. Before they arrived, Li Rizhu and others had surrounded the city. The rebels came out from the east and west gates with 3 thousand brave cavalry, and the infantry lined up the trains as a camp. The loyalists rushed up, seized 100 chariots, pushed the rebels into the lake, and the rebels drowned. Wangtong, the deputy company commander, played very hard. His servant Gao Yi rushed into the north gate, but later he was killed because the reinforcements didn't arrive. Wangtong was also injured, and Yu, a guerrilla in Yulin, died of a hand wound. The next day, He Xiu threatened the Qing king to board the east side, begged for a time-out, and pretended to be willing to give the heads of the rebels. Just as the loyalist ran out of food and grass, he led the troops to retreat and rest in a nearby castle.
In the past, I worked day and night to gather troops from Yansui, Zhuanglang, Lanzhou, Jing and Yulin. It was a long way and the ship was not ready, so it was stationed in Huamachi, and the troops moved to Lingzhou as soon as they arrived. Soon, Jiang Xianmo, Du Ruhui, Jia Sen and Ma, former company commanders of Ganzhou, all arrived, and they rushed to Ningxia Town to attack. Considering the emptiness of the city after the soldiers of Yansui and Yulin came out, the traitor colluded with Huang Taiji's wife and ordered his son She Dafu and his nephew to attack the old Anbian and Brick Well Fort to contain the officers and men. Chen Chengen also conspired to rally rebels, ambushed the Han Yan Canal and robbed 200 grain trucks. On one occasion, Xue Wei returned to Lingzhou from Huamachi and was surrounded by rebels. Rescue troops came to clear the road. Ma Gui and others failed to attack the city several times. The traitor killed Wang Qing's concubine and robbed the imperial secretary and the gold and silver wire. Zhu was injured in his right leg in the battle, so the loyalist retreated again. The emperor listened to Shi Xing, the minister, and gave Wei Xuezeng a sword to supervise the war. As it happens, Zhu Zhengse, governor of Ningxia, Ye Mengxiong, governor of Gansu, Mei Guozhen, supervisor of the army, and Liu, Dong Yikui, Li and other generals arrived one after another and attacked the city again in June, but Lien Chan was not spared.
At first, Xue Wei wanted Dong Liu and Xu Chao to surrender, ordered them to kill their father and son to atone, and sent his subordinate Ye Dexin. Dong Liu .. Four people died in the same month on the same day, so he broke Ye Dexin's calf and put him in prison. Governor Zhu Zhengse listened to the traitors' sophistry and demanded surrender. Jason used to be in charge of Ningxia soldiers. In the past, he had a good relationship with Yan Bai. Zhu Zhengse sent him to the city to ask him. Xu Chao then ordered Ye Dexin to see Jason. Ye Dexin cursed the traitor and was killed. Jason didn't let him go back either. On one occasion, Xue Wei pleaded with a traitor and was severely scolded by the emperor. At this time, hundreds of households in the town, Yao Qin, Wu and Wu, shot letters out of the city with arrows, met as insiders, and lit a signal at midnight. After the fire, the loyalists outside the city did not arrive, and the rebels killed more than 50 people who conspired with Yao Qin. Yao Qin escaped and went to Wei Xuezeng. At that time, the rebels pretended to ask for a pension to slow down their troops and secretly colluded with bandits. However, after the food was finished, the situation got worse. In July, Xue Wei made a plan with Ye Mengxiong and Mei Guozhen, and decided to let the Yellow River fill the city and the water reach the city gate. At this time, the Hetao bandits lost their freedom. Zhuang Tulai led 30,000 cavalry to attack Dingbian and Xiaoyanchi, with Tu Meitie Lei as the pioneer and another Tu monk leading 10,000 riders to attack from the Xisha Paikou of Huamachi to support the pilgrimage. Ma Gui stopped in the right ditch, and his morale was slightly depressed, so he went to Xiamaguan and Mingsha County. Gong Zhen, a guerrilla, was ordered to guard the Shapaikou, recruited Dong Yiyuan, the company commander of Yansui, destroyed the lair of Tielei, beheaded more than 130 levels, and the thieves left in shock. I met Gong at Shapaikou and surrounded him. Gong died in battle, and the foreign bandits left, leaving no reinforcements for the rebels. Xue Wei once added dam spillway. In August, the Yellow River burst, the levee was destroyed and the levee was repaired. The water depth outside the city is eight or nine feet, and the east-west city collapses by more than one hundred feet. Rabbits and monks entered Li Gangbao again. Li and Magway defeated them and chased them all the way to Helan Mountain. The traitors were even more afraid and demanded peace talks. When the case was pending, Xue Wei was dismissed for committing a crime. The court ordered Ye Mengxiong to replace him, and Ye Mengxiong succeeded.
At first, Xue Wei sent people to surrender to Dong Liu and Xu Chao, and stayed in Guyuan for more than ten days, waiting for news. The emperor accused him of dereliction of duty. It's a little late for Li Ri to cross the Yellow River. The bandits in Songshan and Hetao entered first, and the loyalist was defeated again. Xue Wei once asked the prison army not to participate in military affairs, and the emperor ordered Mei Guozhen to abide by it. Mei Guozhen was quite dissatisfied with this. When he came to the army, Mei Guozhen impeached the generals to wait and see, and sentenced Xue Wei to dereliction of duty. Xu Ziwei also impeached Xue Wei, who was confused and delayed the state affairs. Mei Guozhen also said that she fled the city with the government, and the rebels ordered four people to come down and arrest her. Our army is close at hand, and we dare not come forward to rescue. Tens of thousands of bandits in the north cut off our army's rations, causing numerous casualties, but they hid without reporting. The emperor was so angry that Wei Zengxue was arrested in Beijing. Less than a month after Xue Wei was arrested, the city of Ningxia was broken, the Ming army took advantage of the situation, and the traitors were destroyed.
Xue Wei used to be hardworking. The plan to fill the city and surrender was originally his suggestion. When the victory was announced, the emperor summoned Zhao and Zhang Wei, a college student, who tried their best to protect Wei Xuezeng. Minister Shi Xing said Wei Xue was innocent. Mei Guozhen also said: "Wei Zengxue's reaction is a bit slow, and I ask to blame the generals to boost morale. However, the order to arrest Wei was self-indulgent, and I secretly regretted it. Wei did not show his hatred, and I will be laughed at by the world. " Li also said: "When arrested, the soldiers of the three armed forces burst into tears." Ye Mengxiong also attributed the credit to Wei Xuezeng. The emperor didn't listen at first, but later he was restored to his official position. Xue Wei lived in his hometown for several years and then died. Ye Mengxiong was promoted to the right capital because of his merits.