An acceptance bill refers to a bill that has been accepted. That is, in the transaction, the seller issues a bill of exchange in order to ask the buyer to pay, and the payer marks the word "acceptance" on the face and signs it to acknowledge the payment due. The drawee becomes the acceptor of the bill after acceptance. Commercial acceptance bills are accepted by the buyer, and bank acceptance bills are called bank acceptance bills.
Electronic acceptance will not be automatically returned if it is not accepted. If it needs to be returned, it needs manual operation. Electronic acceptance uses electronic signature and security authentication mechanism. Electronic acceptance bills need to be signed within 7 working days, but electronic acceptance bills will not be automatically withdrawn. If it is necessary to cancel the electronic acceptance manually, the specific steps are as follows: apply to the bank for cancellation, confirm the cancellation application, and finally submit the application for review.
How to receive electronic acceptance:
Electronic acceptance bills can be received at the bank counter or in the bank's mobile banking application. Individuals can go to the draft bank with their ID cards and related information of electronic acceptance bills, apply to the staff for receiving electronic acceptance bills, and then fill in the application form, and wait for the staff to check whether there is electronic acceptance bills in the system before receiving them.
The role of acceptance bills:
1. Functions of commercial acceptance bills: The application of commercial acceptance bills plays an important role in social and economic activities, which makes the negotiability of commercial credit and its manifestations standardized and scientific, and is conducive to strengthening macro-control and improving the functions of the bill market.
2. The role of bank acceptance bills: Because the bank acceptance bill business is developed on the basis of bank settlement business, it is a bank credit activity based on real commodity transactions, and it is the development and supplement of bank credit to commercial credit. Therefore, it plays a positive role in establishing a unified national bill market, perfecting the socialist market economic system, enhancing the service function of banks, expanding the credit activities of commercial banks, promoting the commodity sales of seller enterprises and reducing the operating costs of buyer enterprises. The role of bank acceptance bills in the national economy can make up for the lack of commercial credit, prevent the formation of "triangular debts" due to enterprises' default in payment, promote the circulation of goods and accelerate the circulation and turnover of social funds.